The DNC’s Lawsuit

The legal term for it “is bats**t crazy.”

Either the Dems really are nuts (not beyond the realm of possibility; Trump has driven many so far around the bend they need a JWST to see the bend from there), or this is a desperate fundraising ploy. Or (of course) both.

[Update a few minutes later]

The DNC is “on the verge” of a nervous breakdown? I think that ship sailed months ago:

Democratic strategist (apologize for that rancid term) Julius Epstein, looking justifiably anxious on Shannon Bream’s show Friday night, tried to argue this was a great opportunity for the Democrats to expose folks like Manafort and Kushner through discovery.

Good luck with that. Discovery in this matter would be disastrous for the Democratic Party. Wait until their leaders have to go on the stand to explain why the FBI wasn’t allowed to scrutinize the DNC servers that were supposedly invaded by the Russians. A raft of Democrat political factotums (Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, etc.) who made sweetheart deals and escaped true investigation by the FBI, perhaps even Hillary herself, will find themselves facing serious cross-examination for the first time. This civil trial would be curiously reminiscent of the OJ civil trial when the real truth came out. Wouldn’t you love to hear Strzok and Page deposed? How about Susan Rice?

Expect this to be dropped long before discovery.

10 thoughts on “The DNC’s Lawsuit”

  1. The left lost touch with reality long ago. There may still be a few sane leftists on the right-hand side of the spectrum, but the left-leftists are quite simply insane, and all of them are fighting to be seen as the most insane, because that’s where the power goes.

    These Democrats seem to be working on the Chappaquiddick Principle: being a Democrat means you’re above the law, no matter what you do. So why worry about your tactics being used against you?

    1. There may still be a few sane leftists on the right-hand side of the spectrum

      Identity politics is the only thing holding them together. The dehumanizing stereotypes they use to otherize non-Democrats is incredibly effective. Many people who have left the Democrat party due to the recent cultural marxism still retain their views of non-Democrats.

    2. “There may still be a few sane leftists on the right-hand side of the spectrum, ..”

      Would you say that Joe Manchin fits that description?

  2. The DNC is trying to sue “The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU)”. Bat shit isn’t this crazy. If the SDNY had any sense, it would throw out the court and declare the DNC a vexatious litigant.

    Speaking of lawsuits, congratulations to Mark Steyn on spanking CRTV for also being bat shit crazy.

  3. Oh, YES PLEASE!

    Discovery, fool! EVER HEARD OF IT?

    Keep this up and the DNC will get a metric ton of Discovery demands dumped on them…..File Servers, financial records, interviews under oath with key players…….

    Christmas, I tell you!

  4. I think we should consider this lawsuit as part of the DNC’s 2018 midterm election strategy. And no, I’m not joking. I think they’re trying to win bigger.

    This case is more than a publicity stunt. It’s become clear even to the most ardent Trump haters that there’s simply no evidence of Russian “collusion” and the focus moved to Stormy Daniels. This is an effort to reanimate the “Russian collusion” narrative.

    I don’t think it is so “clear” to the most ardent sufferers of TDS. But this will inject the Russian collusion narrative into midterm election news. That might motivate the base to vote in what is traditionally a weak turnout election.

  5. “Expect this to be dropped long before discovery.”
    Good luck with that. I recall a case with no more merit, the plaintiff with far less means, dragging on for YEARS of ever shifting claims and multiple rounds of discovery. But maybe this time there’ll be a judge not afraid of his rulings being appealed over pointless details.

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