The New Commercial Space Bill

Brian Weedon analyzes it, on Twitter.

It looks like a significant improvement over the current situation. It’s worth noting that in moving regulation to the Commerce Department, it could set the groundwork for a U.S. Space Guard. There have been times in history in which the Coast Guard was under Commerce.

[Late-morning update]

The Bridenstine era at NASA (finally) begins.

I think he’ll be one of the best administrators in recent history. I should add that Rubio’s (and others’, like Bill Nelson’s) statement that NASA should be run by a “space professional” are historically ignorant. Jim Webb was not a “space professional.”

One thought on “The New Commercial Space Bill”

  1. statement that NASA should be run by a “space professional” are historically ignorant.

    Big breakthroughs often come from the entry of someone from another field.

    For NASA, having a space professional is probably less important than someone who knows how to ask good questions, hold people accountable, distill nerd and government language to what’s important, be fiscally responsible, and able to manage the unique personalities that often come with people of higher than average intelligence.

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