5 thoughts on “California”

  1. CA isn’t going to have any impulse to change any time soon (other than non-federal deductibility of state taxes). Hundreds of thousands more births than deaths and people moving there from out of the country (but they lose tens of thousands to interstate migration, about 50,000/year to Texas alone) up to 40->48 million in 2040. Their 1% growth rate would be 1.1% if they could keep the people moving to Texas.

  2. I saw over the weekend thatthe California AG is now banning civil servant travel to Oklahoma.

    Funny how a state that believes in open borders and acts like a border wall to keep people out is like the Berlin Wall; then behaves exactly like the communists in East Berlin trying to prevent their own people from leaving and unwanted ideas entering their land.

    Alas, I don’t think the rest of the nation has the will to provide an airlift to the impoverished, so I recommend for those that can to get out now. See Venezuela as an example.

  3. I think the whole thing will collapse when migration outflow becomes significantly greater than inflow. They won’t be able to keep real estate prices up in that situation.

    It could happen suddenly as in the aftermath of a hurricane Maria-style disaster or gradually as jobs disappear, infrastructure decays slowly, and people move out of state.

    Right now, the delusion can continue to hold since there are still a vast number of employers and the state continues to grow in population.

  4. Related:
    If Carlos Lopez lived anywhere but California, he could have forced the squatter out of his modest rental house months ago. But here any eviction defendant, even one who has admittedly refused to pay the rent, can get a free attorney and demand a jury trial as leverage.

    The rest behind paywall. It goes on to explain how anyone who has chosen not to pay the rent can get free legal representation and automatic three month eviction delays through subsidized attorney offices set up inside courthouses. All on the state taxpayer dime.


    1. Not anywhere else but California. Carlos Lopez could also have lived with his parents in New York, and there, it would also be jury decision whether or not he could be evicted even if he never paid rent in his life.

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