12 thoughts on “Space Force”

  1. The entities the Air Force says it intends to work with have all opposed the idea of a Space Corps to one extent or another, and it seems to be a nod to the fact that the Air Force has allies in its opposition to the creation of a wholly new “corps” or “force” devoted to space.

    Obama fired generals for less than this.

    but it also indicates they are in no hurry whatsoever to implement it. Indeed, they may play a waiting game to see how long the president remains in office or pushes the idea of a “Space Force” with ardor.

    But there is no Deep State.

    The military is obligated to follow lawful orders. #Resisting this should get them fired. It says something that this idea was presented with out critique and it isn’t good. These are the people who claim to be more moral and evolved than the rest of us humans. But what can you expect when the comments are full of nazi nazi nazi.

    1. Sure but that doesn’t excuse people in the AF, or any other branch, working against the CiC. It is troubling that people are so accepting of the military going rogue. But we are in a time when many people feel it is a moral obligation for government workers to overthrow a legitimately elected President.

      It does look like a near impossible task for Congress but if Trump frames it as letting them spend more money, it could go rather smooth.

  2. ARs It’s become almost unreadable, due to the comment section. I suspect most of it is due to the socialist euro-trash.

    The retard is strong

  3. The President’s troubles aside, I have always thought this exactly the wrong way to go. Instead of creating more service branches, organize our troops around the Unified Command structure – that is, the commands that actually operate and fight – and devolve the service branches into one, the United States Armed Forces, providing training, system’s development, and logistics for all.

    Of course, the bureaucracy would fight that idea just as strongly as this one.

    1. I’d be inclined to agree, but I can’t imagine how it could be made to happen. The separate branches will fight it as long as they can.

      Under the Iron Law of Bureaudynamics, bailiwicks are holy, and must never be defiled.

      1. Under the Iron Law of Bureaudynamics, bailiwicks are holy, and must never be defiled.

        That’s enough reason alone to oppose the creation of a new one.

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