Who Should The Nominee Be?

A roundup from legal bloggers, with three votes for Don Willett, including one from Instapundit.

[Tuesday-afternoon update]

An analysis of Amy Coney Barrett’s legal philosophy.

Based on this, I’d prefer Willett, but it looks like Trump is fascinated by the idea of nominating an actual conservative (and relatively young, for longevity, and attractive) woman. And the nomination would make the Left’s collective head explode, as well as making it more difficult for Murkowski and Collins to vote against.


8 thoughts on “Who Should The Nominee Be?”

  1. Lots of people seem to like Willett.

    But I’ve been burned:

    I thought Sessions was going to be a kick-ass no nonsense AG. And he is something of a disappointment.

    I’m just hoping we get another Scalia.

  2. Somewhat related, The Collapse of the NeverTrumpers:

    There is also a low-testosterone, dilettantish strain of conservatism that has overdeveloped in the “mainstream” media to create such sterile hybrids as Michael Gerson and George Will and David Brooks. Nothing sunk these so-called wise men lower in the estimation of their fellow conservatives than their blithe indifference to the Clintons’ gangsterism. While Trump threw wild verbal haymakers at Hillary at campaign rallies, these intellectuals were basically on TV announcing they would be accommodationists for the Clinton Machine’s inevitable victory. Trump’s base was fighting a war; these guys were sipping tea. The contrast in styles of conservatism was stark: it was the pugnacious billionaire against the stuffy wimps.

    Absolutely devastating.

    1. “…….create such sterile hybrids as Michael Gerson and George Will and David Brooks. ”

      I cannot understand why anyone claims Brooks is a Conservative of ANY kind. On a Milton Friedman debate “Tyranny of the Status Quo” he was introduced as:

      David Brooks Social Democrat.

      And that’s how he sounds today.

      That anyone calls him a Conservatve of any stripe is a mystery to me.

    2. I think what we’ve witnessed is clear. The supplanting of “print” conservatism with “media” conservatism. And by media I mean practically anything BUT print. That means, Hannity on Fox, Rush on the radio and to a lesser extent (IMO) Beck. On the Internet you have Breitbart and RedState etc.

      I dunno if this is for better or for worse. It sure is more emotive.

  3. IBM’s Watson. It’s time we look forward and prepare the court for trials of the future. AIs are currently woefully underrepresented on the high court.

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