6 thoughts on “Journalism Today”

  1. Start broadcast…Trump Bad!…Plane Crash…Boat Sink..Trump Bad!…nice people do one nice thing. Good Night, wait Trump Bad!

    1. Funny you say that. In my gym, CNN is on constantly. Whenever I walk in, I look at it to see what ‘news’ they have degrading Trump. The only time I don’t see that is when they are in commercial.

  2. CNN has problems because they conspired with the Obama administration to try and rig the election and now foment a coup. They can’t exactly change courses because they have too much skin in the game. They are also competing with MSNBC for the leftists and MSNBC does a better job of serving that audience.

    For the journalism industry in general though, it isn’t just that the internet provides competition but the internet provides the means for consumers to do their own research. This makes it easier to pick apart the narrative of advocacy driven journalists and perform your own fact checks of articles in general. Because the media is so driven by advocacy and are so shoddy when it comes to quality, consumers having the power to do their own research is detrimental to the industry.

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