2 thoughts on “Democratic Socialism,”

  1. Slavery for those who aren’t outright purged. I saw Antifa was pushing an internet meme that fascists started the holocaust and a communist ended it. Alas, the communist (they show a woman in the meme, I guess to hide Stalin) just changed the people being killed and moved the camps to Siberia. Otherwise, the communist killed more.

    Speaking of slavery and Democrats; did you see that Colorado is trying to go after Masterpiece Cakeshop again, despite the SCOTUS ruling. This time it is because the baker won’t make a cake for transsexual that want’s something that looks like satan licking a dildo. They are still welcome to purchase anything already made in the shop. But Colorado thinks bakers should be forced to make whatever they are told be Colorado’s selected protected class. Oh, and the baker has no rights to put up posters in their shop saying their religious preference.

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