Technology In Education

My long-time (which is a better phrase than “old,” as in, “known since college”) friend Lynne Wainfan is trying to sell her children’s middle school on upgrading their technology. She made a video.

I don’t know about the New York Times comparison, though. Yeah, it may be more info than Jefferson got in his lifetime, but a lot of it’s probably wrong or misleading.

Also, it’s a little exaggerated–I don’t think that half (or even a tiny fraction) of basic physics knowledge and math will go obsolete in two years, and that’s what kids in technical majors in college spend most of their time learning. But the point remains that things are accelerating at a frightening pace, and the educational system is going to have to do things differently, or the future will be very scary. Of course, it may be anyway, for other reasons. But either way, it’s where we’re going to be spending the rest of our lives (yes, I know it’s trite, but it’s true).