Category Archives: Humor

The Marvel That Is The Internet

Prior to the web, it would have been almost impossible to put together a collection of cats that look like Hitler. And just to keep it on topic, don’t miss kitlers in space.

‘Tis a wondrous age in which we are blessed to live.

[Update in the afternoon]

I know, I shouldn’t let my mind wander down such dark paths, but will the ultimate result of this be these people getting their cats together to create a new goosestepping (but softly) and saluting breed? What would the ultimate kitler look like? Would personality traits be important, or merely physical resemblance? Perspiring minds want to know.

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Frank J. has a new book out. He calls it the dumbest book ever written about the Bush administration. Hard to believe, for anyone who’s ever read Ivins.

It’s a compilation of many of his blog posts for the past few years. I guess I should finish mine.