ObamaCare’s Fatal Flaw

…is it taking effect?

the Obama administration is openly admitting that their health law won’t work without the willing cooperation of people who can expect to be harmed by the law — including young people, doctors, and health industry workers.

As author Ayn Rand’s noted in her novel Atlas Shrugged:

A viler evil than to murder a man, is to sell him suicide as an act of virtue. A viler evil than to throw a man into a sacrificial furnace, is to demand that he leap in, of his own will, and that he build the furnace, besides.

That’s what is happening with Obamacare.

But this also means that Americans have a powerful weapon — their ability to say “no.” If the Obama administration needs our willing cooperation for their law to work, we can fight back by withdrawing that cooperation. As Dr. Megan Edison recently wrote in response to the call for her and her fellow pediatricians to funnel more patients into ObamaCare, “Primum non nocere. I will not comply.”

Nor should any of us tolerate this tyranny, particularly in light of recent events.

Why A One-Way Trip To Mars?

Three applicants explain.

And over at Space News, Rod Pyle has the story on why Bernie Taupin had it right: “Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids.” What he doesn’t mention is that the issue came up as a result of a question from me to Lansdorp. I think that it would be bioethically irresponsible, given the current state of knowledge, to send a fertile woman there, at least with men along, and it didn’t appear to me that he’d given the matter much thought. I’ll probably write a piece on this, maybe even today.

Lois Lerner

Why did she take the Fifth?

The American people have a right to know both how deep and how high the corruption of our government runs. The White House has an interest in minimizing the scandal, and surely that is Obama’s objective if he is trying to throw Lerner under the bus. Let’s reserve judgment on her and make sure not to let off the hook the man whose re-election the IRS’s abuse of power helped to advance.

I don’t want her scapegoated. As Michael Ledeen suggests, she (and the others whom the administration is trying to sacrifice and scapegoat) should be immunized, so we can get to the truth. And if part of that truth leads to the president, let’s just hope for the sake of the country that the vice president is implicated as well.

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