The Gay Pride Bimbo

I wasn’t sure quite how to categorize this–it’s not really criticism (though perhaps she could have done a better job of keeping her cool), but Fox News’ (hottest non-blonde news anchor) Julie Banderas apparently got into an on-air verbal brawl with one of the Phelps wackos this weekend. Here’s the Quicktime video.

Can It Be Done?

Technology Review has some of the initial attempts to knock off Aubrey de Grey’s thesis on the feasibility of immortality (actually, indefinite lifespace is a better phrase). I haven’t read them yet, but my readers may be interested. They also contain a response to each by de Grey, and a counterresponse.

[Via the newly redesigned Cosmic Log website, which now looks a lot more bloggy, though I suspect that Alan still goes through an editor, or at least an uploader…]

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!