Weird Comment Spam

I’ve been getting several comments on ancient posts for the last few days along these lines:

Ive pretty much been doing nothing to speak of. My lifes been bland these days. I havent been up to much. I feel like a void.

They’re all variations on the same theme, and they’re spam in the sense that they have nothing to do with the post subject, but they don’t have a URL they’re advertising, so I can’t blacklist them. Each one has a different IP address. All I can do is delete them individually, and shrug. If I got flooded with them, it would be a royal PITA to deal with. Does anyone have any theories as to the purpose of these? Are they just testing to see how spammable I am before actually hitting me with a payload?

[Update late Monday morning]

Maybe it was test runs. I just got this one, with a blacklistable URL this time:

I haven\’t gotten anything done for a while, but whatever. I can\’t be bothered with anything , but what can I say? Maybe tomorrow. More or less nothing seems worth doing. Thanks for shared info!

The only thing is that this time it was a ping, rather than a comment.

Not Getting It

Via Glenn, I find a new group blog about the future. But I found this post pretty disappointing, and I’m hoping that it’s not indicative of a more general cluelessness:

According to Cambridge University biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey, the first person to live to 1,000 years of age has already been born. True or not, this idea is frightening to me mainly because the average person today starts to get pretty frail right around sixty, so unless we manage to improve the quality of life for the elderly along with their lifespan, we youngsters are doomed to some 900 years of infeebled misery. While I’m sure that at some point the necessity for some kind of physical rejuvenation process would breed the requisite ingenuity to devise one, I’m still not convinced that several decades, if not centuries, of torture would be worth it.

He can’t have actually read much of what De Grey wrote, if he believes that the intent, or likely outcome, is to “provide nine centuries of torture.” The whole point is to defeat senescence, not merely to keep frail bodies alive. Note also the commenter who is already bored with life at age fifty seven.

As I wrote in a letter to the editor of The Economist back in the late eighties, if your idea of life is to come home from work with a six pack in front of the television, then three score and ten is plenty (and perhaps even too long). But if you’re a Leonardo or Leonarda da Vinci, several centuries could be all too short. We will have to come to terms with the reality that many won’t want to live forever, and become more societally accepting, at some point, of the right to end it, lest we do in fact be sentencing people to centuries of “torture” (mental, perhaps, if not physical).


I wasn’t sure whether to categorize this as space, or media criticism. Jeff Foust reviews what sounds like kind of a mess of an article about NASA’s space exploration plans at Rolling Stone. Don’t these people have fact checkers? If I were a journalist working in a subject area unfamiliar to me, I’d run the piece past some people who might be expected to know what they’re talking about, and I’d be embarrassed to get so much wrong in print.

But that’s just me. I guess they don’t mind being viewed as foolish by those more knowledgable.

Culture Clash

Co-blogger Sam finishes up his tour of SpaceX. The discussion is less about rockets than about corporate cultures and marketing messages. There certainly seems to be a lot of momentum finally building in the media and the business community for the new space age.

Individualist Or Collectivist?

Thomas James writes about libertarian versus statist approaches to space colonization. A different way of framing it might be a dynamist versus a stasist approach. Unfortunately, for the most part (at least in terms of planned expenditures, the small effort toward prizes and COTS notwithstanding), Mike Griffin’s NASA seems pretty firmly in the latter camp.

Thomas also has a new pillory of the space luddites up (his previous one spurred the post about libertarianism in space).

Good, I’m Not The Only One

You know how “everyone loves Lucy”? I never did. I always thought that she was an embarrassment to womankind, and never found the show all that funny. Apparently, Lileks wasn’t impressed, either:

Lucille Ball also shows up, and you can smell the cigarette smoke from 30 years away. She did not give the impression of being a particularly pleasant person.

[Warning, just a small snippet from a much larger, mostly unrelated Bleat. But it’s Lileks–go read it anyway.]

Good, I’m Not The Only One

You know how “everyone loves Lucy”? I never did. I always thought that she was an embarrassment to womankind, and never found the show all that funny. Apparently, Lileks wasn’t impressed, either:

Lucille Ball also shows up, and you can smell the cigarette smoke from 30 years away. She did not give the impression of being a particularly pleasant person.

[Warning, just a small snippet from a much larger, mostly unrelated Bleat. But it’s Lileks–go read it anyway.]

Good, I’m Not The Only One

You know how “everyone loves Lucy”? I never did. I always thought that she was an embarrassment to womankind, and never found the show all that funny. Apparently, Lileks wasn’t impressed, either:

Lucille Ball also shows up, and you can smell the cigarette smoke from 30 years away. She did not give the impression of being a particularly pleasant person.

[Warning, just a small snippet from a much larger, mostly unrelated Bleat. But it’s Lileks–go read it anyway.]

Speaking Truth To…

Well, not power, but insanity and murderousness.

I wrote previously of a courageous woman. Here is the video, in Arabic, with English subtitles.

And while I’m no big fan of Al Jazeera, props to them for showing it to the Arab world. I wonder why they did? Are they realizing that the jig is up?

And I think that if the Administration were smart, they’d provide SS protection to her.

Still No Word

from SpaceX. Clark Lindsey does have a little interesting news from India, though. It sounds like they may be getting smarter:

The stages appear to be powered by conventional rockets using “semi-cryogenic ” engines, e.g. LOX/kerosene. Previous Indian RLV designs that I have seen usually involved some sort of scramjet first stage.

That’s it for now–still busy demolishing the kitchen. I hope that I can finish that today, so that I can get to the rebuilding part, which I find much more enjoyable.

[Sunday evening update]

Alan Boyle has info in comments, and at his site.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!