Category Archives: Social Commentary

The Fix Is Not In

Thoughts on the president’s serial lawlessness and lies:

The purpose here is not to prove, yet again, that Obama is a fraud, which would be like proving that Detroit may be a tad mismanaged. The purpose is also not to establish, yet again, Obama’s hypocrisy in condemning Bush’s flouting of a single statute when, once he assumed power, Obama so systematically violated laws that you’d think the oath says, “Take care that the laws be faithlessly executed.” The purpose is not even to reprise Thursday’s remarkable press conference, at which Obama — in the very moment of his humiliation over serial lying — brazenly repeated some of his most notorious and resoundingly disproved whoppers: the claim that his oft-repeated promise about Americans being able to keep their health-insurance plans somehow “ended up being inaccurate” when it was willfully false; the claim that this lie affects only the 5 percent of Americans in the individual market when he has known for years (as John Hinderaker shows) that Obamacare would force the cancellation of tens of millions of employer-provided plans; and so on.

No, the purpose is to highlight how insouciantly lawless and transparently political the president’s latest Obamacare “fix” is. I refer, of course, to Obama’s magnanimous proclamation that he now deigns to permit insurers to issue policies made illegal by the Obamacare statute — at least until the Democrats can get through the 2014 elections. This was frivolous to the point of malfeasance.

This is political malpractice on an unprecedented scale. The only thing keeping him from being removed from office is the same thing that got him there: the melanin content of his skin and fear of race riots.

I predicted in 2008 that electing this inexperienced, ideological, hollow narcissistic creature would ultimately be a huge setback for the cause of racial equality, and make it very unlikely that there would ever be an actually competent, qualified black man (or woman) elected to the office for decades. He’s poisoned the well.

Tea Party Racism

More commentary on Richard Cohen’s asininity:

within the conservative movement, we’re not unusual at all. Interracial adoption is so common within the Evangelical community, it’s triggered a bizarre backlash from the Left. In my own (quite conservative) church, adoption has transformed a historically-white congregation into a veritable rainbow coalition.

What about the response from the left? Well, we were audited (along with roughly 70 percent of other adoptive families) by the Obama administration’s radical IRS, and we’ve been subjected to vile comments online, hateful private messages, and crazy in-person statements from self-described progressives who believe that white Christians can’t be trusted to raise a black child.

When the Left calls us racists, as with most of their epithets, it’s projection.

Richard Cohen, Bigot

Hey, can I play this game?

Let’s try:

“People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the junior senator from Texas — a white man who actually believes in the anarchy and selfishness of ‘limited government,’ and opposes communism and even socialism, (Should I mention that he claims to be Hispanic?) He represents the cultural changes that have enveloped parts — but not all — of America. To leftists, this doesn’t look like their country at all.”

[Thursday-morning update]

Thoughts on Cohen’s Tea Party fantasies from Dave Weigel.