Category Archives: Space

Space Fashion

There wasn’t much worth taking pictures of at the conference in Vegas this past weekend, but Misuzu Onuki is always worth taking a picture of, and when she’s with her space fashions, it’s worth posting. The one on the left is a wedding dress, with wires in it to make the fringes “float” up as they would in weightlessness.

Unaffordable And Unsustainable

The Space Foundation has put their new white paper on line. Released at the conference this weekend (and summarized by Leonard David), it calls for cancelling Block I of the CEV (the one that’s designed to go to ISS), and using the funds to increase COTS funding, and restore aeronautics and space science that has been cut over the past couple years.

I should note that I haven’t been blogging much this week because I’m busy reviewing and rewriting requirements and verification statements for CEV Block I…

[Wednesday update]

There are a lot of reader comments over at NASA Watch.