All posts by Rand Simberg

“Catastrophic Success”

A wonderful phrase that Rumsfeld just used in his press briefing. He means that in the mathematical sense, of course. Catastrophe theory is about how one can see huge and abrupt changes from small inputs, and it’s exactly applicable here. USA Today (via Donald Sensing) has a good wrapup of how it happened, including the story of how a captured colonel resulted in the rapid fall of Baghdad.

He really went off on the doom’n’gloom reporting today as well.

“Catastrophic Success”

A wonderful phrase that Rumsfeld just used in his press briefing. He means that in the mathematical sense, of course. Catastrophe theory is about how one can see huge and abrupt changes from small inputs, and it’s exactly applicable here. USA Today (via Donald Sensing) has a good wrapup of how it happened, including the story of how a captured colonel resulted in the rapid fall of Baghdad.

He really went off on the doom’n’gloom reporting today as well.

“Catastrophic Success”

A wonderful phrase that Rumsfeld just used in his press briefing. He means that in the mathematical sense, of course. Catastrophe theory is about how one can see huge and abrupt changes from small inputs, and it’s exactly applicable here. USA Today (via Donald Sensing) has a good wrapup of how it happened, including the story of how a captured colonel resulted in the rapid fall of Baghdad.

He really went off on the doom’n’gloom reporting today as well.

Human Cloning Impossible?

I doubt it, despite the dumb headline of this article.

The very first graf of the story puts the lie to it:

Cloning humans, or any other primates, may be impossible with today’s techniques because of a fundamental molecular obstacle, say scientists trying to understand why attempts to clone monkeys have failed.

The emphasis is mine.

It may indeed be that our present cloning techniques preclude cloning primates, but the notion that it is “impossible” is utter nonsense. It doesn’t violate any laws of physics, and is most certainly possible, even if we have to get a little, or a lot smarter to make it happen.

A Better Job For Baghdad Bob

You know, rather than being a shill for Apple, I think that Baghdad Bob should replace Terry McAuliffe. Just imagine:

Impotent imperialist criminal Republicans cannot just take over the Congress and the White House! Bush the retarded monkey did not win the 2000 election–it is all lies!

All these pictures of them in committee chairs and large offices on Capitol Hill are a Hollywood fabrication. They are committing suicide by the hundreds in front of the Reflecting Pond! Don’t look over there–who will you believe, me or your treacherous eyes, may they be eaten by worms in Hell, praise Kennedy?!

The American people will never stand for an infidel Republican government, as they starve our children, and poison our air and water, eat our babies, and destroy our social security and medicare, and cause our dogs and cats to live together. We are making them drink the poison, and slicing open their overfed bellies, and dining on the entrails!

Our glorious candidates are preparing for the final battle. They shall strike back, and ultimately triumph! We shall make them eat upon their own livers in Hell, praise Roosevelt.

I’m not sure he could be quite as vitriolic as Terry, but he could come close.