Category Archives: Education


No, children are not the property of the State:

It is getting far, far too easy for idiotic progressives to impose their views, and take children out of their homes based on their belief that they aren’t getting the “right” care, the “right” education, or the “right” modern amenities. There is a major difference between “unconventional” parenting and child abuse.

It’s not child abuse to either live off the grid, or not attend public schools. In fact, I’d argue that it’s getting to the point at which sending your kid to public school is both child abuse and child endangerment.

Police Unions

The problem with them.

It’s not just police unions — public-employee unions in general are an abomination. The teachers’ and prison-guard unions are a huge part of the disaster that is California government (not to mention its educational system). Roosevelt had the right idea in wanting to make them illegal.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Want a lawless police force? Federalize it.

Al Sharpton is an idiot, and should be an embarrassment to any news network, but it’s MSNBC.

Climate “Denial”

Making nonsense of it:

It is clear from all this that Cook et al. are UNFCCC/IPCC ideologues. There is nothing wrong per se with ideology; it is the ideologues that are the problem – absence of doubt, intolerance of debate, appeal to authority, desire to convince others of the ideological “truth”, and a willingness to punish those that don’t concur. They need to look in the mirror and understand their own motivated reasoning.

Phil Plait is such a disappointment on this topic.