Happy Rebirthday!
Category Archives: Health
Free Speech
A judicial blow against it. Go support the Institute for Justice in their continuing battle against this outrageous ruling.
Free Speech And Nutrition
Here’s an intersection of two of my favorite topics — the heavy hand of the state in regulating speech, and paleolithic diets, from George Will. And good for the Institute for Justice.
The Son Of QE2
This time it’s deadly. With a bonus discussion on surviving the coming meltdown.
Back In The Saddle
Well, everything went according to plan. Though from a pain standpoint, it’s likely to get worse before it gets better, because they shot up the area with a local, and I’ll probably be unhappy when it wears off (I do have decent meds, though). But at least for now, I’m ambulatory, up and down stairs, and can sit at the computer.
It was probably good to get this out of the way in front of a three-day weekend…
[Friday mid-morning update]
Just to end all the speculation in comments, it was not an “@n@l spelunking” (not that there’s anything wrong with that). I had to patch up (literally) an inguinal hernia on the right side. I was trying to avoid TMI, but…
Lower Back Pain
What it has to do with a low-carb diet. It’s not what you might think.
It’s not really a new story, but things continue to advance, and it’s a useful reminder, to plan to live a long time. Unfortunately, it’s not something that most pension planners or entitlements reformers are taking into consideration. It implies that Social Security and Medicare are even more broke than we think.
The Low-Fat Diet Fad
Is it on its last legs?
If so, it’s long past due.
The medical mystery continues.
There’s still a hell of a lot we don’t know about human physiology and disease.
Going Paleo
The government has been a disaster for our health. And as he points out, it’s no coincidence that people who eat paleo tend to be libertarian. There’s a good reason for it.