Category Archives: Health

The Best And The Brightest

Sheila Jackson “Did the Mars rover see the Apollo site?” Lee is one of the stupidest people on the Hill (and that’s pretty stiff competition).

[Mid-morning update]

Jim Acosta, ace reporter.

Are We Using Ventilators Wrong?

Do patients need oxygen rather than pressure? Are we doing more harm than good with the ventilators?

[Via Kate McMillan, who has more]

[Update mid-afternoon]

This didn’t get much attention in comments a few days ago, but let’s try to boost the signal. I just did, on Twitter:

Data And Numbers

Where are we really with the virus?

Note that (as is often the case with healthcare statistics) different countries are keeping books differently, making it difficult to compare. I continue to believe that the fatality rate will ultimately end up being far below one percent.

[Update early afternoon]

A lot of links from Instapundit. Things are looking better than the models. One I found of interest is that if we can believe Chinese data, four out of five cases are asymptomatic.