Category Archives: History

Remember How The Wisconsin Recall Was Good News For Obama?


The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Romney with 47% of the vote to Obama’s 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Hard to see a path to victory for him if he loses Wisconsin.

[Afternoon update]

The GOP is born again, in Wisconsin. Most people aren’t aware that the state is the birthplace of the party.

Sixty-Eight Years

…since the troops hit the beach at Normandy. It wasn’t as bold a military gamble as killing bin Laden (just ask Joe Biden), but still. Let’s hope we have a different president to commemorate the seventieth anniversary.

[Update a while later]

Here’s Reagan’s commemoration twenty-eight years ago, on the fortieth anniversary:

[Update later morning]

Well, it was inevitable, and it didn’t take long — Hitler has found out about it.

It’s hard to believe that was almost thirty years ago. I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I remember almost forty years ago, on the thirtieth anniversary, and my mother remarking that it was hard to believe that it had been thirty years (she had been a WAC in Egypt at the time). She’s been gone over twenty years now.