Category Archives: Media Criticism

The Decline Of America

Charls Krauthammer says that we have a choice to make. The problem is that the country is being run by people who think that such a decline is a “progressive” value, and not only favor, it but are doing everything possible to hasten it, in their goal to level the field and reduce us all to Eurosocialists.

[Update a while later]

Related, but disturbing thoughts from David Solway:

…is there a chance that America will emerge approximately intact after the 2012 election, send Obama packing back to Chicago where he belongs, and gradually recover the strength, dignity, and economic vitality it has forfeited to a charlatan? Might the 2010 congressional elections apply the brakes and at least slow down the nation’s careening descent — what Roger Kimball calls a dégringolade — into impoverishment, stasis, and political and military weakness? Maybe. Maybe not.

Obama reminds me of a Star Wars Imperial Walker, wreaking havoc and devastation with every step, but one who may not be brought down by ordinary Americans who understand the danger he represents. The fear is that Obama has amassed so much power, aided by a Pravda-esque media and backed by a like-minded political clientele among left-wing voters and significant minorities, that he may be invulnerable. But, unfortunately, his country is not.

I think that the Republic will ultimately prevail, but the immediate future looks very ugly.


As a “rocket scientist” (I hate that phrase), I wish that everyone in the media would stop saying that NASA crashed a “rocket” into the moon. A rocket put it into space, but what crashed into the moon were spacecraft (though they had small rocket motors on them). I don’t actually even like the term “rocket” for a launch vehicle. It’s like calling a car an “internal combustion engine.”