Category Archives: Media Criticism

Joe Biden Is Right

Three charts that prove the blind squirrel found an acorn.

[Update a while later]

Poor media. Biden has forced them to actually cover the middle class:

On the Biden remark, the media sure seemed miffed to have to respond to the Romney campaign (hey, who’s running this race anyway!), and more importantly to be dragged against their will into a policy discussion. Now that was the reason, of course, the Romney-Ryan ticket pounced on Biden. They’ve been talking about their five-point plan to restore the middle class for months, but the media yawns. Two conservative studies were released Tuesday showing that the middle class will shoulder some of the tax burden associated with debt repayment. Again, the media yawned. So when opportunity presented itself, who could blame the Romney-Ryan team for ramping up the volume? At least they got the media to report that the middle class has lost ground under Obama.

And that darn Ryan, with his gaffe about how he agrees with Joe.

Alliterative Comment

du jour:

Elect a big-spending no-show community organizer (who golfs all day) as the government’s bread-winner in chief, and government income plummets and debts skyrocket. Any medieval village idiot could’ve predicted that as an inevitability, no? 😀

Obama’s solution? Demand that the few people who still have a job give him more money, faster! Then call them stingy because they’re not tossing enough $20′s in his violin case. Maybe if he had an economic model that wasn’t based on bitching, bailouts, begging, browbeating, borrowing, bragging, bribing, bamboozling, and bankrupting the bourgeiosie, the economy would recover on its own.

A brilliant blast.

A Middle-Class Tax Hike

That’s what the Romney plan isn’t, despite the Obama campaign lies.

[Update a few minutes later]

Related: The Romney stimulus:

Firing Obama alone would not come close to curing our economic problems, but it might reassure many that the White House will stop making them worse. Romney certainly believes this. Buried in all the coverage of his lamentable comments about the “47%” was this assurance: “If we win on Nov. 6, there will be a great deal of optimism about the future of this country. And we’ll see capital come back and we’ll see, without actually doing anything, we’ll actually get a boost in the economy.”

At this point, psychology might be as important as policy. If even 10% of the money figuratively sitting in mattresses gets invested once Obama is out of office, that would be a much bigger stimulus than Obama’s, and no doubt far better spent. Oh, and it would not only be better spent, it also wouldn’t be borrowed from China.

Romney has to get across the message that Obama inherited a mess, and made it much worse. It’s a powerful one, and it has the additional virtue of being completely true.

Space Safety On The Space Show

I’ll be talking to David Livingston this afternoon at 2 PM PDT about my space safety project, which seems to be turning into a small book, that I hope to publish this month.

[Update mid-afternoon]

I’ll be on in ten minutes or so.


[Early evening update]

Well, that was in interesting discussion. It went on for a couple hours. The most important thing to me was that David brought up one of the very best case studies for my thesis — the Hubble decision. I’m going to incorporate it into the book (yes, I’ve decided to just call it a book). This is partly just a reminder for me to do so…

[Evening update]

It’s probably worth repeating this video from the space teddy bears. Or dogs. Or whatever.