Category Archives: Media Criticism

The Diet Debacle

“Two seemingly benign nutritional maxims are at the root of all dietary evil: A calorie is a calorie, and You are what you eat. Both ideas are now so entrenched in public consciousness that they have become virtually unassailable. As a result, the food industry, aided and abetted by ostensibly well-meaning scientists and politicians, has afflicted humankind with the plague of chronic metabolic disease, which threatens to bankrupt health care worldwide.”

We’ve had the green revolution. Now we need a new revolution in food tech that provides adequate healthy food for the world.

[Update a few minutes later]

Is this any way to lose weight?” Yes. I’ve been eating like this for a year and a half, and I’ve lost ten pounds (though that wasn’t the goal). Fat doesn’t make you fat. Carbs do.

[Early afternoon update]

A testimonial from Bruce Webster.

The 2012 Romney Campaign

isn’t the 2008 McCain campaign.

The 2012 Obama campaign seems to be run by Wile E. Axelrod, Sooper Genius. But wait! Wasn’t he involved in 2008, too?

I have never bought into the prevailing media myth, which is part of the media myth about Obama in general, that the 2008 campaign was brilliant, or even competent. Obama beat Hillary not because he had a great campaign, but because a lot of Dems were looking for an alternative to the “inevitable” Hillary, and they could avoid not being a sexist by not voting for her by being not a racist by voting for him (race trumps gender among Democrats). He won in the general, again not because there was anything good about his campaign, but because:

  • The media refused to properly vet him, being too busy going through dumpsters in Wasilla to dig into things in Chicago (or even just to bother to read Chicago newspapers)
  • Many found him charismatic (I never did)
  • He turned out the youth vote in record numbers (unlikely to repeat this year)
  • Everyone was tired of Republicans (the apathy expressed by the base still hadn’t recovered from 2006, because Bush was still president)
  • There was no conservative enthusiasm for McCain
  • McCain was an awful candidate
  • McCain (or his campaign staff) ran an awful campaign, insufficiently aggressive, and actively sabotaging his only real asset — Sarah Palin, and last but not least
  • Everyone was excited about the first black president, and proving that they weren’t racist

Few of those factors will apply this year. He’s no longer this inspirational charismatic cipher, but a failed president. They got voting for a black guy out of their system four years ago, and no longer feel a need to do it again to prove they’re not a racist (fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me). And in particular, the Romney campaign is going to take the gloves off (as they showed in the primaries). Not to mention that we’re heading into another downturn going into the election. I think that Obama’s toast.

New Depths For CNN

This is just pathetic:

Now CNN is put in the unenviable position to be, at best, second on a story involving harassment of one of their own people. Cripes did they hire the same news director as that Newspaper in Norfolk that didn’t find the beating of their own reporters newsworthy?

None of this was necessary. In fact if CNN and the other media entities made the choice to report the news rather than serve as a filter for stories the left wanted killed, not only would it have ratings, but there would be no FOX or Drudge etc because there would have been no market for them.

Instead you have a network so pathetic that Donald Trump is making fun of CNN’s ratings on their own network. I don’t blame him, when a news organization becomes incapable of recognizing a story then that news organization will be a laughing-stock, and rightly so.

Apparently, as with the New York Times, their loyalty to their leftist ideology trumps staying in business. They really could compete with Fox by simply reporting all of the news (not just what they want us to hear), and doing it better, but as long as they insist on being filters in the service of the state, they’ll continue to leave the field to their competitor.

[Update mid morning]

Wouldn’t it be great if the Tides Foundation (among others) lost their tax-exempt status over this? Of course, it won’t happen with this administration’s IRS, but there could still be some interesting congressional hearings.