Category Archives: Media Criticism

The Allred Presser

I didn’t see it, and have no opinion on the accuser’s credibility, but I think that it is diminished significantly by having Gloria Allred (who essentially put out a casting call for such people a few days ago) as her representative. If true, it reduces my respect for Mr. Cain significantly, but short of the general, he was never going to get my vote anyway. There are much stronger reasons not to think him presidential timber.

And no, don’t expect to see any opinions here on the Michael Jackson manslaughter trial, either, other than that I regret that it is getting so much media attention.


…and the disaster of the “stimulus.”

The Empire State Building was erected in less than two years. It’s now been a decade since 911 and the site hasn’t been completed. It’s a wonder anything gets done any more. And I found this particularly interesting:

I was among the last group of engineers and surveyors laid off from my company in June and have only found one temporary job since then, with almost all the companies in my area (Nashville) treading water or downsizing since then. (In my job search, I’ve been told more than once that people are not planning on adding staff until after next year’s election.)

There’s a lot of that going around, I’ll bet. And if the election goes the wrong way, staff may not be added then, either.