Category Archives: Political Commentary

Paladino Speaks

And speaks plainly. I love this interview with the candidate for New York governor:

SHAFFER: Cuomo published an editorial in the New York Daily News acting like he will be a small-government, tough-on-unions type. Is that believable?

PALADINO: Ever been to the zoo?


PALADINO: Ever seen the zebra in the zoo?


PALADINO: Ever seen the zebra change stripes?


PALADINO: I’ve got the same feeling about Cuomo.



I did not know this:

The basic idea of debate under rules is not especially sinister: It is simply a way to control the abject chaos of the People’s House. But it used to be that lots of bills came out under “open rules” wherein any member in the chamber could move to amend at the appropriate time. Nancy Pelosi’s 111th is the first Congress in history that hasn’t brought a single bill out under an open rule.

I don’t find it at all surprising, of course.

What Happened To The Chaps?

Entertaining thoughts on the girlie men of Old Blighty:

Whatever happened to the solid yeomanry of England? The obvious answer is to blame the Femi-Nazis. The relentless feminist critique of masculinity that has been blaring out of our schools and universities since the 1960s has taken its toll. Today’s young men have been ideologically programmed to believe that any overt display of masculinity — tucking their shirts in, for instance — would be an endorsement of ‘the patriarchy’. Far better to make common cause with the oppressed by using moisturiser and eating salad.

Fortunately, I suspect it’s cyclical.

The Senate Bill Passes

Thanks to everyone who did citizen lobbying to make this happen. Henry Vanderbilt offers his thanks as well, and discusses events to come (the next battle will be over the 2011 NASA appropriation). Clark Lindsey has thoughts there as well, and a lot of links here.

[Update a while later]

Lori Garver is going to do a press conference in a few minutes. You’ll be able to stream it here, at least in theory.

They Hate Us

They really, really hate us:

They think we are fools. They view our religion as superstition. They label our skepticism as ignorance and our patriotism as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and fattening.

Nothing is worse to a liberal than fat.

The liberal contempt for America is shining through.

President Obama called voters “whiners” in public. Heaven knows what he calls them in private.
