Category Archives: Political Commentary

Shakespeare And Nazis

Thoughts on Nazis being “right wing” or “conservative.” It’s nonsense, of course. They were revolutionaries who wanted to, and briefly did, utterly remake society.

[Update early afternoon]

This seems related, somehow: the fairy tale of the “Progressives”‘ own history. Jonah Goldberg has some thoughts as well. And there’s a fascinating and convoluted discussion in comments at the initial link above.

Figuring Out Who The Rubes Were

Barack Obama’s reelect numbers are down to 42% among Jews.

[Update a while later]

Is the US still an ally of Israel?

The hard Left’s multiculturalist furor at Israel has made enormous inroads into the Democratic party, as we see with the current “reset” policy of the Obama administration, while the old blue-blood, country-club Republicans who tsk-tsked Israel have almost vanished. Over the last 20 years the Left has reconstructed Israel from a bastion of the traditional liberal Jewish tradition into a Western, capitalist hegemonic oppressor, all of which shows the power of campus multculturalism when a tiny democratic country of 7 million can be reconfigured into a colonial power.

And that hard Left is running the country now. At least until January.

[Update a few minutes later]

Why Barack Obama is making Rashid Khalidi happy. Funny thing, the LA Times never has released the video of the birthday party. I wonder if it even exists any more?

Thoughts On Oklahoma City

And the vile demagoguery of the Democrats in the wake of it, from Glenn Reynolds:

Lies and smears aimed at their fellow Americans, for short-term political gain. This is who they are, and this is what they do. It worked better, however, when there were fewer alternative channels of communication, and when their character was less well-known.

And as he notes, they’re busy going after imaginary “right wing” “terrorists,” while pretending that the real ones, who really do want to destroy our civilization, don’t exist. And they are being ignored to the point that we can’t even describe their motivations. In fact, they were doing it then — the White House and Janet Reno’s justice department shut down any investigation that might have led to the revelation of offshore help for McVeigh. Once they had their white “right-wing” “Christian” (he was an agnostic) terrorist, no need to confuse the American people with John Doe Number Two. Besides, if (say) Iraq had been shown to be involved, they might have had to do something about it.