Thirty-six years ago today, the day before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were to become the first humans to land on another planet, twenty-nine-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne departed this one, drowning in Ted Kennedy’s car as he left her helpless, at Chappaquiddick. It’s a shame that the people of Massachusetts can’t see their senior senator for the national disgrace that he is.
Category Archives: Political Commentary
If this report is true (and sadly, I don’t find it in any way incredible) some members of Congress (guess which party) are asking the Library of Congress if Karl Rove can be impeached. They’re not just delusional, they’re fundamentally ignorant of the Constitution. It would be an embarrassment to me to have such a dunce as my representative, but somehow, they get reelected.
[Update at 11:16 AM EDT]
It’s for real. I expected this kind of stupidity from Conyers, but Barney Frank is involved, too. I disagree with him on most issues, but I never took him for such an idiot as this implies.
No, a political advisor is not a “civil officer,” and he’s not subject to impeachment. And of course, this is double stupid, because even if Rove were impeachable, the notion that an impeachment measure would have any traction in a Republican House is ludicrous. Of course, I suspect that, at least in Congressman Frank’s case, he knows this isn’t serious, but is probably good for fundraising from the moonbats.
Could Weather Succeed Where The CIA Failed?
There are pictures on the web from Cuba, of the devastation in the wake of Dennis. There are rumors that Fidel isn’t accepting foreign aid, out of a false pride and unwillingness to admit to the extent of the damage, and that people are growing angrier. Let’s hope that the Cubans can finally rid themselves of the dictator who has ruled them for too many decades.
Breathtaking Chutzpah
Byron York has an exit interview with Brad Smith of the FEC. I found this bit amazing (if true, though I’ve no reason to disbelieve it):
Is The House Minority Leader A Moron?
I report (well, actually, I link to someone else’s report), you decide.
True To Form
You know, the Rove thing reminds me a lot of the “Girlie Men” controversy:
Meanwhile, the larger context is a hissy fit about how liberals aren’t wimps and hand-holders.
Hint: when you’re being called a wimp, the last thing you want to do is whine about it.
Where Are All The People…
…who screamed at the “murder” of the noble Rachel Corrie, when something like this happens? Somehow, I don’t think that there will be any memorials set up for this and worshiped by the moonbats. Or protests of Caterpiller about it.
Kerry Country points out one of the potential effects of the SCOTUS ruling:
This has to be a godsend for towns and cities that have been stymied so far in their attempts to shut-down any businesses, corporations, or private groups of which they disapprove. Private gun ranges, airfields, RV tracts, hunting preserves, fishing resources, minority religious congregations, newspapers — all are now fair targets for seizure and closure “for the economic benefit of the people.”
I think they’re right. To hell with stare decisis (particularly in a 5-4 vote). This is a ruling that should be overturned, or at least narrowly restricted, as soon as we can replace at least one of the justices who voted in favor.
Why, Yes
…yes, this decision is another blow to freedom, and property rights, and is another travesty by this court. At least Scalia voted the right way this time. This is one of the worst terms in my memory.
OK, He’s Apologized
That’s a good thing, though as I recall, it wasn’t enough for Trent Lott.
More when I see an actual transcript of his lachrymose blatherings.
I will say, snarkily, that I assume that this apology is now (in the famous words of Ron Ziegler) inoperative?
[Update at 8 PM EDT]
OK, it’s a non-apology apology.
Here are the key words: