Category Archives: Popular Culture

The Future Is Leon’s Oyster

Well, if not his oyster, at least his dippy dot:

“It seems the legends of 21st-century man’s crude ice cream-eating habits are all true,” Wolcott said. “I see the way you consume these dripping concoctions with protruding tongues, the way the dark cream dribbles down your chins, the way your workers must dig tirelessly with spherical metal ‘scooping’ devices to even obtain this product.”

“Barbarians!” Wolcott added. “Dippin’ Dots can be poured effortlessly into cups. They do not melt or make a mess, and plus they are very fun to eat.”

Now, it would seem to me that this is a man after Leon Kass’ heart. Not to mention, ironically, that it gives this enemy of longevity a reason to live, and see such a marvelous future, in which he will no longer have to suffer the indignity of seeing people licking cones in the street, like so many cats at bath.

The Future Is Leon’s Oyster

Well, if not his oyster, at least his dippy dot:

“It seems the legends of 21st-century man’s crude ice cream-eating habits are all true,” Wolcott said. “I see the way you consume these dripping concoctions with protruding tongues, the way the dark cream dribbles down your chins, the way your workers must dig tirelessly with spherical metal ‘scooping’ devices to even obtain this product.”

“Barbarians!” Wolcott added. “Dippin’ Dots can be poured effortlessly into cups. They do not melt or make a mess, and plus they are very fun to eat.”

Now, it would seem to me that this is a man after Leon Kass’ heart. Not to mention, ironically, that it gives this enemy of longevity a reason to live, and see such a marvelous future, in which he will no longer have to suffer the indignity of seeing people licking cones in the street, like so many cats at bath.

The Future Is Leon’s Oyster

Well, if not his oyster, at least his dippy dot:

“It seems the legends of 21st-century man’s crude ice cream-eating habits are all true,” Wolcott said. “I see the way you consume these dripping concoctions with protruding tongues, the way the dark cream dribbles down your chins, the way your workers must dig tirelessly with spherical metal ‘scooping’ devices to even obtain this product.”

“Barbarians!” Wolcott added. “Dippin’ Dots can be poured effortlessly into cups. They do not melt or make a mess, and plus they are very fun to eat.”

Now, it would seem to me that this is a man after Leon Kass’ heart. Not to mention, ironically, that it gives this enemy of longevity a reason to live, and see such a marvelous future, in which he will no longer have to suffer the indignity of seeing people licking cones in the street, like so many cats at bath.

Illegal Legal Weed

What would we do without federal regulators?

Federal alcohol regulators thought differently. They have ordered Dillmann to stop selling beer bottles with caps that say “Try Legal Weed.”

While reviewing the proposed label for Dillmann’s latest beer, Lemurian Lager, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau said the message on the caps he has been using for his five current beers amounts to a drug reference.

In a letter explaining its decision, the agency, which regulates the brewing industry, said the wording could “mislead consumers about the characteristics of the alcoholic beverage.”

Because, you know, a bottle of beer is so similar to a joint. I wonder how many bottles you’d have to drink before you really couldn’t tell the difference?