Category Archives: Social Commentary

Thoughts On Ballistics

…and our decrepit institutions:

We don’t know much this Monday AM. Some of what we think we know will in time prove incorrect. We will find out more details in the days and weeks to come – but what is clear is this; we have too many people in this nation who are OK with political violence – including that which digs a bloody trench from Eugene Simpson Stadium Park to the Butler Farms Show Grounds.

We also know that we have – again – evidence that we have the wrong people with the wrong ideas running institutions they are unqualified to lead and that our nation cannot afford such a lack of effective stewardship of our inheritance.

The number of unserious people in critical jobs, and no one being accountable for failures of epic proportions, is – to repeat myself for emphasis – a national disgrace and crisis.

It’s been deteriorating for a long time, under both Democrats and Republicans, but it’s reached new lows in recent years.

[Update a while later]

A compromised Secret Service.

No matter how much training or experience she has (and these people didn’t seem particularly competent), it’s stupid to think that a 5’3″ woman can shield a 6’3″ man.

[Late-morning update]

The Coverup

A short history.

It’s not possible to hate these awful people enough.

[Update while later]

Well, anyway.”

As noted, the Democrats have given Republicans many great campaign quotes on Biden’s unfitness. They can’t unwrite and unsay them. And I love the look on poor Meloni’s face when Biden calls Zelensky “Putin.”

BTW, if you want to get completely snockered in a Biden speech, take a swig at every “Look,” and “Anyway.” They’re verbal ticks that he can’t avoid when he doesn’t know what to say next, or when his train of thought derails.

[Update a while later]

Our Brezhnev, our Pravda, our Soviet Union.”

[Afternoon update]

I sure wish this didn’t sound completely plausible.

[Saturday-morning update]

Joe Biden and a tear in the fabric.

“A Good Man”

The BS about Biden is thoroughly deconstructed.

[Wednesday-morning update]

Now they take on the BS about Biden’s “accomplishments.”

He’s been a disaster.


[Thursday-morning update]

John Podhoretz makes the case for schadenfreude. It’s pretty compelling. This couldn’t happen to a more awful political party, at least in this country.

[Bumped again]

[Update a few minutes later]

This is hilarious. As Gutfeld said yesterday, it’s like the Biden family is holding the Democrats hostage, and the media is negotiating. “He wants an In’n’Out! He wants to talk to his daughter. He’ll only talk to Clooney.”

[Noon update]

Dems facing the abyss within the abyss.


Yet another study on its supposed benefits.

They lose me right off the bat when they compare it to the “benefits” of the Mediterranean diet. I don’t think there is any value at all in restricting red meat and fat intake.

Anyway, I suspect that even if the correlation is causation, it’s not clear that it will work for everyone. If coffee has no discernible effect on me (which it doesn’t) other than making me brush my teeth more to get rid of the foul aftertaste, then it seems unlikely that I will derive any health benefits from choking the swill down.