Category Archives: Social Commentary

Fred Thompson

Rest in peace. My condolences to Jeri and the family.

He was my top pick in 2008, and it was a disappointment that he had to drop out. The “fire in the belly” thing is one of the stupidest modern reasons to not pick a president. We shouldn’t want someone to run the country who wants the power that badly. Ideally, we’d draft someone who didn’t want the job, but was abundantly competent and would accept it out of patriotism (original example, G. Washington; much more recent one, Paul Ryan).

It’s interesting to note that if he’d been elected, and re-elected, he’d have died in office. Of course, in that alternate history, he might still be alive.

[Late-evening update]
More thoughts from Michael Ledeen.

When God Goes Away

…superstition takes his place. Including things like the climate-change religion.

I think it was Chesterton who said that when people cease believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe anything. This is why, despite my own lack of belief, I think that attacks on organized religion by the Left (as engaged in by people like Dawkins and Dennett) can be disastrous. Like death, God serves a useful societal purpose, if not for every individual, whether He exists or not.