Category Archives: Social Commentary


Is the Internet killing them? This is the problem:

“People are not confident about using hyphens anymore, they’re not really sure what they are for,” Shorter OED editor Angus Stevenson told Reuters at the time.

It’s part of the continuing breakdown of the educational system. Hyphens are important, primarily for disambiguation of modifiers. There is a difference between a light brown suitcase and a light-brown suitcase. The former is a brown suitcase that doesn’t weigh much, and the latter is a suitcase (of unknown weight) that is light brown. It’s that simple.

Stand-Your-Ground Laws

As Glenn says, Hollywood dumbasses.

In addition to his points, a) there’s nothing wrong with stand-your-ground laws and b) the Zimmerman case had nothing to do with stand your ground.

These morons just can’t stand the notion that people should be able to defend themselves.

[Update a few minuts later]

Hey, remember when Barack Obama supported stand-your-ground laws? Well, neither does he. To repeat: dumbasses.

[Update a while later]

OK, you’ll be as unsurprised as I am to learn that John McCain has decided to become one of the dumbasses.