Category Archives: Social Commentary

The World’s Smallest Violin

That’s what I’m playing for people who can’t successfully prosecute idiotic and immoral anti-prostitution laws. Glenn has the right idea:

…why not just legalize prostitution. Legal prostitution is safer and healthier, and it’ll provide employment opportunities for some of those unemployed college grads.

It’s not like it goes away if you make it illegal.

Yeah, I know. I’m just being a crazy “right winger,” as usual.

The Right Stuff

Brian Binnie (who flew the first X-Prize flight) emails:

…this e-book:

The Right Stuff: Interviews with Icons of the 1960s, is available just in time for Father’s day. It’s the first in a series dealing with “adventurers” over the decades, many of whom are leaders in the space arena. I wrote the forward to it and the SpaceShipOne story will appear when the chronology finally gets to the 2000’s.

I met Jim via the eclectic Explorers Club and he is regular contributor to Forbes Magazine.

Cheers, Brian

You might want to check it out.