Category Archives: Space History

Chris Kraft

We continue to lose the giants of that generation.

[Update Tuesday morning]

Heh. “Perhaps the New York Times’ obit for Kraft was already written, as it curiously fails to explore the seething hotbed of sexism and white supremacy that was the early NASA, according to the latest reporting by the New York Times.

[Update a few minutes later]

Eric Berger remembers an inspirational friend.

Per a commenter there, I’ve also been wondering if he had been hanging on to see the 50th anniversary, and then let go.

The Next Fifty Years On The Moon

An interesting essay, but it has a few problems. First…

And they repeatedly use the phrase “lunar soil.” In fact we just update Evoloterra this weekend to fix this ourselves.

Finally, we have this comment, which seems gratuitous and almost a non sequitur in the context of this article: