Category Archives: War Commentary

Another Doctor Evil

What was this guy up to?

Zorkot, a third-year medical student at Wayne State University, was allegedly armed with an AK-47 assault rifle and dressed in black clothing with camouflage paint covering his face when he was arrested Saturday in Hemlock Park.

Emphasis mine. What is it with medical students and doctors, and terrorism? This is just one more nail in the coffin of the absurd notion that terrorism is a result of poverty (assuming, of course, that he is a terrorist).

And instead of “Name That Party!” we get to play “Name His Religion!”

There are Christian Arabs (particularly Lebanese) in Dearborn, but somehow, I’m guessing that this guy is no Methodist.

Six Years Ago

Most people think that September 11th was the opening of the main Al Qaeda campaign, but it was really two days earlier, on September 9th, with the assassination in Afghanistan of Ahmad Shah Massoud, a key figure in the liberation of Afghanistan from the Soviets, who afterward had been fighting to liberate his country from the Taliban for years. No one paid much attention to the event at the time, but in hindsight, as the Wikipedia article notes, there is good reason to think that he was assassinated by bin Laden as a means of consolidating his power in Kabul, as part of the preparation for the attacks scheduled to happen two days later.

As a remembrance, here is an open letter from him to the American people, published in 1998.

[Update in the evening]

Welcome, Instapundit readers! If you’ve never been here before you might want to check out the general blog.

Critical Eye For The Terrorist Guy

Some fashion advice for Osama, from the Manolo.

FWIW, I remain unconvinced that it really is Osama.

[Update late morning]

Michael Ledeen is skeptical, too.

[Another update a few minutes later]

And then there’s this outtake from the video.

[Update at 11:30 AM]

Here’s another theory about the video:

All references to current events, such as the 62nd anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Japan, and Sarkozy and Brown being the leaders of France and the UK, respectively, occur when the video is frozen!

Actually, my strongest reason to think that bin Laden is at room temperature? Because the CIA says he’s still alive.