Category Archives: War Commentary

Clueless In The Newsrooms

Josh Trevino has the latest on the newest front on the war against Islamism, in Somalia, and on the media’s nonreporting and misreporting of it.

(I expect Anonymous “Chickenhawk” Moron in comments will now demand that I, and Josh, go to Mogadishu, since we’re not allowed to inform our readership or express an opinion without being on the scene.)

Isn’t It Obvious?

You shouldn’t need a think tank to figure this out, even though many foolish diplomats, at Foggy Bottom and in Europe, don’t get it.

“There is no longer a possibility for effective sanctions to stop Iran,” retired Brig.-Gen. Zvi Shtauber, of Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies, told The Jerusalem Post.

“Our conclusion is that without military action you won’t be able to stop Iran,” Shtauber said.

We have a very grim choice before us, and the administration doesn’t seem to be doing anything to prepare the American people for it. We will have a war with Iran, or we will have a nuclear-armed Iran (with a nuclear arms race in the rest of the Middle East). That’s it.

Isn’t It Obvious?

You shouldn’t need a think tank to figure this out, even though many foolish diplomats, at Foggy Bottom and in Europe, don’t get it.

“There is no longer a possibility for effective sanctions to stop Iran,” retired Brig.-Gen. Zvi Shtauber, of Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies, told The Jerusalem Post.

“Our conclusion is that without military action you won’t be able to stop Iran,” Shtauber said.

We have a very grim choice before us, and the administration doesn’t seem to be doing anything to prepare the American people for it. We will have a war with Iran, or we will have a nuclear-armed Iran (with a nuclear arms race in the rest of the Middle East). That’s it.

Isn’t It Obvious?

You shouldn’t need a think tank to figure this out, even though many foolish diplomats, at Foggy Bottom and in Europe, don’t get it.

“There is no longer a possibility for effective sanctions to stop Iran,” retired Brig.-Gen. Zvi Shtauber, of Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies, told The Jerusalem Post.

“Our conclusion is that without military action you won’t be able to stop Iran,” Shtauber said.

We have a very grim choice before us, and the administration doesn’t seem to be doing anything to prepare the American people for it. We will have a war with Iran, or we will have a nuclear-armed Iran (with a nuclear arms race in the rest of the Middle East). That’s it.

Finally, Some Action?

I’d sure like to think that this is true:

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Il and his generals inspect a Korean People’s Army Unit in this photo released by the Korean Central News Agency on December 6. According to the report, intelligence activities against the Kim regime also are being considered. The Chinese military intelligence service, known as 2 PLA, “is toying with the idea of a palace revolution that would kick out the ‘Kim dynasty’ and replace it with ‘pro-Chinese generals,'” the report said.

Long overdue, if so. That wouldn’t be great for the North Koreans, but it has to beat the current situation. I suspect that the Chinese are getting pretty upset now, because they don’t want Japan to start to build up a nuclear arsenal.