Category Archives: War Commentary

Another Tuesday, September 11

Four-hundred-and-forty-one years ago:

The lessons for us today, almost five centuries hence, are equally important. The same enemy exists today. Instead of galleys he uses airliners, and instead of Janissaries he uses suicide bombers. He hates and fears western civilization, and seeks to convert or enslave us. We have to meet him and engage him everywhere he is, just as the Knights did. What it will take to win against him is what it took to win at Malta: preparation, skill at arms, leadership, and above all faith and an iron will.

This has truly been a long war, and no immediate end is in sight.

Birds Of A Feather

Gerry Adams is meeting with Hamas.

Reminds me of the old joke about the guy walking down the street in Ulster, when he feels the barrel of a gun against the back of his neck.

“Now would you be Protestant, or would you be Catholic?”

Thinking quickly, he says, “I’m a Jew!”

There’s a pause, and then, “Begorrah, and I’m the luckiest Palestinian in Belfast.”

And then there’s the variation.

“So, then would you be a Protestant Jew, or a Catholic Jew…?”

Creating More Terrorists

I’m sure that any minute, we’ll see editorials railing against radical Islamists about this:

FAR-RIGHT extremists have adopted the tactics of Islamic jihadis by posting videos on the internet in which they threaten to behead British Muslims.

The films show balaclava-clad white British men brandishing guns, knives and clubs, calling on all Muslims to leave Britain or be killed. One appears to be a soldier who has served in the Gulf.

In one film, a man tells Muslims to “go home” or risk being burned alive. He threatens, “I’ll cut your head off”, and claims to have “comrades” across Britain who have “had enough”.

Any minute now.

[SOUND=”Crickets Chirping”]


Iranians Love America

And aren’t that thrilled with their government. Someone at the WaPo (in the travel section) got off script:

What took place over the next fortnight astonished me. Everywhere I went — from the traffic-choked streets of Tehran in the north to the dusty desert town of Yazd in central Iran, to the elegant cultural centers of Isfahan and Shiraz — I was overwhelmed by the warmth and, dare I say it, pro-Americanism of the people I met.

Ponder the irony of that last statement for a moment. While much of the rest of the world seems to be holding their collective noses at us Americans, in Iran people were literally crossing the road to shake an American’s hand and say hello. Who knew?

Initially, when Iranians asked me where I was from, I’d suggest they guess. But this game quickly proved too time-consuming — no one ever guessed correctly. So instead I would simply mumble “American.” And then their faces would light up. For better or worse, Iranians are avid fans of America: its culture, films, food, music, its open, free-wheeling society.

Which reraises the question. How to punish a rogue, tyrannical government without harming its people?

Should I Laugh, Or Cry?

Really, this was just an idle question:

…what would they say at Turtle Bay if Iran offered up “peacekeeping troops” in south Lebanon? Since they don’t formally recognize Iran’s role in the war, how would they refuse? For that matter, why wouldn’t they accept an offer from Syria to help “police” its border with Lebanon?

Well, now we know the answer:

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Friday that Syria has pledged to step up border patrols and work with the Lebanese army to stop the flow of weapons to Hezbollah.

Well. That should sort things out.

Who Lost Britain?

Mark Steyn, on a nation that seems willing to fight Islamism everywhere except on its own soil:

But, in a world in which the prospects for the Anglosphere are better than almost anybody else’s, there is one bleak exception. At some point soon, we’re going to be asking: Who lost Britain? In the weeks after last year’s tube bombing, I doubted that the clarion call for a reassertion of “British identity” would last, and so it proved. By the first anniversary, Britain was back in its peculiarly resistant multiculti mush in which the proper reaction to such unfortunate events is to abase oneself ever more abjectly before the gods of cultural relativism. What matters after mass slaughter on the Underground is not the wound to the nation but the potential for hurt feelings of certain minorities. Had the latest disrupted terrorist plot to take down up to ten UK-US airplanes actually succeeded, I’m sure it would have gone much the same–BBC discussion panels on which representatives of Muslim lobby groups warn of outbreaks of Islamophobia. Even as Heathrow and all other British airports were shut down, Shahid Malik, MP for Dewsbury, the neighborhood that produced the July 7th bombers, explained the situation: “The action of Israel and the inaction of the West is contributing to the difficult task of tackling extremism.” Deconstruct that–because it’s the most artful extension of Jew-blaming in centuries: even Hitler never thought to complain that those bloody Jews were provoking Germans into blowing up their fellow Germans. Of course, it’s ludicrous. This plot was well advanced long before the first Israeli strike against Hezbollah–despite the truly contemptible way Reuters, the BBC and other British media outlets inserted reflexively a causal connection.

But suppose Mr. Malik’s words were true–that the actions of the Zionist Entity are so repellent they drive British subjects to plot mass murder against their fellow British subjects. What does that imply? That, well before push comes to shove, the primary identity of those nominal “Britons” is not British and never will be.

…On the broader cultural front, where this war in the end will be won, there’s little evidence of any kind of will. When one considers the impunity with which the country’s incendiary imams incite treason, it requires a perverse genius on the part of Tony Blair to have found the political courage to fight an unpopular war on a distant shore but not the political courage to wage it closer to home where it would have commanded far more support. That’s the sad lesson of the July 7th bombings: the British government has a strategy for southern Iraq but not southern England.