
…and “smart diplomacy“:

The demonstrators maintain Morsi has become a power-hungry autocrat who is intent on making the Muslim Brotherhood Egypt’s permanent ruling party.

They also blame the Obama administration and U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson for propping up Morsi and facilitating the Muslim Brotherhood’s power grab.

“We are very critical of the Obama administration because they have been supporting the Brotherhood like no one has ever supported them,” Shadi Al Ghazali Harb, a 24-year-old member of Egypt’s Revolutionary Youth Coalition, told the Washington Free Beacon on Friday afternoon during a telephone interview from Cairo.

The White House is “the main supporter of the Brotherhood,” he said. “If it wasn’t for the American support this president would have fallen months ago.”

Al Ghazali Harb specifically dubbed Patterson “the first enemy of the revolution,” claiming “she is hated even more than Morsi.”

Activists hung pictures of Patterson with a red “X” drawn across her face at Egypt’s Defense Ministry during smaller protests Friday afternoon.

“She’s done a lot to harm our relations with the United States,” Al Ghazali Harb said.

This administration’s done a lot of harm to a lot of countries’ relations with the United States. Not to mention our national security.

But “Bain!!” and “War on women!” (not counting Muslim women, of course), and 47%!!,” and “dog in a crate.”

[Update a few minutes later]

I would assume that the administration’s excuse for not siding with the protesters (despite the biggest protest in the history of the world) is that to remove Morsi (e.g., via military coup) would somehow be “undemocratic.” This ignores the fact that Morsi’s government, regardless of how it came to power, is intrinsically undemocratic. There is no democratic way out of this mess. But at some point, the military knows that it will have to remove these nutjobs if it doesn’t want to get into a war with Israel that it can’t win. These protests will likely embolden the generals.

Theresa May

A face of cowardice:

British schoolgirls are being systematically gang-raped by Muslims and British soldiers are being hacked to death in the street by Muslims and yet this despicable gutless appeaser, Theresa May, thinks the way to solve the problem is to ban critics of Islam?

Neville Chamberlain was a heroic statesman by comparison.

It is very sad to see the pathetic state to which England has devolved. She wouldn’t stay long in her position if Cameron were (brain) alive.

The Case Continues To Collapse

They never had a case for Murder Two:

Jonathan Good, one of Zimmerman’s neighbors, testified that he saw Martin straddling Zimmerman in a “ground and pound” position and appeared to be punching him as Zimmerman yelled for help.

This isn’t true, though:

But Good also undermined Zimmerman’s claim that Martin pounded his head into the pavement.

“I couldn’t see that,” he said under cross-examination.

He didn’t say it didn’t happen — he just said he couldn’t see it. That’s of evidence against it — it’s just the absence of evidence for it. And his physical injuries are sufficient evidence for it.

This was never anything but a political show trial. And now they’ve established the predicate for the race riots (and perhaps Zimmerman lynching, as so many were threatening on Twitter yesterday) to come.

[Update early evening]

Why, yes. the Zimmerman trial is a racial circus.

The “Progressive” IRS

No, it wasn’t equal-opportunity abuse of power:

From the start, it’s been pretty clear that Tea Party, pro-life and pro-Israel groups were targeted for special treatment. Yet even as one IRS official invoked her Fifth Amendment rights to avoid self-incrimination, the public has been asked to believe the most ridiculous explanations: that it was a rogue operation of a few underlings; that it was all done out of Cincinnati; that even though the groups most affected were all conservative, no politics was involved; and that what took the head of the IRS to the White House was just an Easter Egg roll or two.

We’re glad to hear from Inspector General George. But the American people deserve to learn who at the IRS signed off on this targeting and hear them explain why — under oath.

But remember — the “scandal” is “fizzling out.” Just ask Baghdad Jim.

Obama’s Five-Year Plan

…for the climate:

Speaking at Georgetown University on Tuesday, President Barack Obama outlined his “new national climate action plan,” which amounts to a federal top-down five-year plan—although he has only four years to implement it. Obama’s plan ambitiously seeks to control nearly every aspect of how Americans produce and consume energy. The goal is to cut the emissions of greenhouse gases and thus stop boosting the temperature of the earth. The actual result will be to infect the economy with the same sort of sclerosis seen in other centrally planned nations.

This is doubly hubristic: that he thinks he knows what’s happening with the climate, and that he thinks he know what best to do about and that it will work.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!