James Rosen

He was apparently being tracked and spied on by the Justice Department, and has been accused of crimes for simply being a reporter. But I guess it’s all right — after all, it’s not like he works for a “legitimate news operation.” As they said over at Twitchy, when you’ve lost Glenn Greenwald…

[Update a couple minutes later]


[Update mid morning]

Even though it’s that “illegitimate news organization,” Fox News, other “journalists” are taking notice:

Let’s hope that it’s the end of the slobbering love affair, and they finally start to notice the war the administration has been making on the rest of us.

[Update a few minutes later]

OK, one more:

[Update a couple minutes later]

Aaaaannnd, it wasn’t just James Rosen. Megyn Kelly is hot (an evergreen statement). But now, she’s also steamed.

Apparently the War on Fox News never ended. It just went guerrilla.

IRS Abuse

It’s just the Chicago Way:

“Are you in your good senses?” said my father. “We have lives here. We have businesses. If we get involved in politics, they will ruin us.”

And no one, not the Roosevelt Democrats or the Reagan Republicans, disagreed. The socialists, the communists, the royalists, everyone nodded their heads.

This was Chicago. And for a business owner to get involved meant one thing: It would cost you money and somebody from government could destroy you.

The health inspectors would come, and the revenue department, the building inspectors, the fire inspectors, on and on. The city code books aren’t thick because politicians like to write new laws and regulations. The codes are thick because when government swings them at a citizen, they hurt.

And who swings the codes and regulations at those who’d open their mouths? A government worker. That government worker owes his or her job to the political boss. And that boss has a boss.

The worker doesn’t have to be told. The worker wants a promotion. If an irritant rises, it is erased. The hack gets a promotion. This is government.

So everybody kept their mouths shut, and Chicago was hailed by national political reporters as the city that works.

We have to take our country back from these thugs.

[Update a while later]

It wasn’t just the IRS. A Tea Party group was also harassed by the FBI, BATF and OSHA. It’s the Chicago Way.

The Most Extreme Temperature Predictions

…are “looking less likely.” The climbdown begins, at least at the BBC.

But remember, we’re still doomed:

Is there any succour in these findings for climate sceptics who say the slowdown over the past 14 years means the global warming is not real?

“None. No comfort whatsoever,” he said.

Well. All right then.

[Update a few minutes later]

The Guardian says we can’t let our guard down:

Otto said that this most recent pattern could not be taken as evidence that climate change has stopped. “Given the noise in the climate and temperature system, you would need to see a much longer period of any pause in order to draw the conclusion that global warming was not occurring,” he said. Such a period could be as long as 40 years of the climate record, he said.

Got that? Only warming trends are important. Cooling is irrelevant.

And their unjustified self confidence never flags:

Richard Allan, reader in climate at the University of Reading, said: “This work has used observations to estimate Earth’s current heating rate and demonstrate that simulations of climate change far in the future seem to be pretty accurate. However, the research also indicates that a minority of simulations may be responding more rapidly towards this overall warming than the observations indicate.”

He said the effect of pollutants in the atmosphere, which reflect the sun’s heat back into space, was particularly hard to measure.

He noted the inferred sensitivity of climate to a doubling of carbon dioxide concentrations based on this new study, suggesting a rise of 1.2C to 3.9C, was consistent with the range from climate simulations of 2.2C to 4.7C. He said: “With work like this our predictions become ever better.”

Onward, comrades!

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