Where’s The ACLU?

I don’t know if this is true, but given the loony bins that modern universities have become I can easily believe it:

Scott Savage, who serves as a reference librarian for the university, suggested four best-selling conservative books for freshman reading in his role as a member of OSU Mansfield

Where’s The ACLU?

I don’t know if this is true, but given the loony bins that modern universities have become I can easily believe it:

Scott Savage, who serves as a reference librarian for the university, suggested four best-selling conservative books for freshman reading in his role as a member of OSU Mansfield

Speaking Of The Hammer

When I read this story, all I could think was WTF? I mean WTFF?

The White House is looking at a list of cost-cutting candidates to head the Office of Management and Budget, and Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, may be on it.

Would that be the same Tom Delay who said that there was no fat left in the federal budget? That “cost-cutting candidate”? That appointment would indicate that the administration is completely unserious about cutting spending (not that there hasn’t been abundant evidence of that over the past five plus years).


Here’s an interesting story from SEEBS news:

Although Americans believe they are better informed about Islam than they were five years ago, a new CBS News poll finds fewer than one in five say their impression of the religion is favorable.

OK, class, what’s wrong with the first word of this story?

Anyone, anyone, Bueller?

Yes, it’s the word “although.” Clearly, any sane person would have started off that sentence with the word “Because.”

But “because” the MSM wants to persist in feeding us the CAIR line that “Islam is a religion of peace,” they have to use a nonsensical word to preface the rest of the thought. For the devil’s advocates in the room, please explain to me and my other readers how a better understanding of Islam would compel one to have a more, rather than less, favorable impression of it.

[Update on Thursday morning]

This kind of reminds me of a similar confusion about cause and effect, when the New York Times will start a story, “Despite the recent drop in the crime rate, the prison population is at an all-time high.”


Here’s an interesting story from SEEBS news:

Although Americans believe they are better informed about Islam than they were five years ago, a new CBS News poll finds fewer than one in five say their impression of the religion is favorable.

OK, class, what’s wrong with the first word of this story?

Anyone, anyone, Bueller?

Yes, it’s the word “although.” Clearly, any sane person would have started off that sentence with the word “Because.”

But “because” the MSM wants to persist in feeding us the CAIR line that “Islam is a religion of peace,” they have to use a nonsensical word to preface the rest of the thought. For the devil’s advocates in the room, please explain to me and my other readers how a better understanding of Islam would compel one to have a more, rather than less, favorable impression of it.

[Update on Thursday morning]

This kind of reminds me of a similar confusion about cause and effect, when the New York Times will start a story, “Despite the recent drop in the crime rate, the prison population is at an all-time high.”

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