Some People At The FBI

…need to be fired for monumental, criminal incompetence. In fact, I’d go further, and say that the entire organization needs to be overhauled from the top down. Same thing for the CIA.

While Samit was spending a solid three weeks trying to get Washington to act on his pre-9/11 terror fears, future 9/11 hijacker Hani Hanjour was raising suspicions with his flight training in Phoenix (suspicions Samit was not told about until after 9/11). Margaret Chevrette of the Pan Am International Flight Academy reported her worries to the FAA and somehow those concerns also made their way to CIA chief Tenet and into CIA memos of August 2001, but the FBI never acted on them. Yet on September 12, FBI agents interviewed Chevrette for more information on Hanjour

Limiting The Market

How can I resist a story that combines b00b jobs and space tourism:

Bosses fear the implants may expand and burst due to cabin pressure, according to The Sun…

…Spokesman Will Whitehorn said: “We’ve discovered there may well be issues with breast augmentation.

“We’re not sure whether they could stand the trip – they could well explode.”

June is busting out all over…!

Captain, I dinna think she can take any more…

Also, the picture accompanying the article reminds me of this optical illusion (caution, not work safe).

What does this mean for Hooters Spacelines?

[Some gags courtesy of this thread, where I found the article]

Seriously, this seems a little overwrought. Unless they have gas in them, there should be no problem if they maintain a decent cabin pressure, and if they don’t, burst mammary enhancers may be the least of the problem (and it would make for more entertainment to have more pendulous objects in weightlessness). And for as much money as these folks are spending, I’m sure they could afford an ultrasound to make sure that they’re all fluid, and remove any bubbles from the bubbies with a needle if necessary, preflight.

I’d be more concerned about gee loads during acceleration and entry. Maybe a new crash program in bra technology is required.

Are We Gods To Them?

I’ve never heard of this, but apparently others have:

…as I was about to step out the door, I looked down and there was a dead baby kitten on our mat. The mama cat is wild and has never let us anywhere near her. A couple of hours later my hubby went to take out the trash and there was another dead kitten in the same place. He buried them out in the field. I just went outside for a smoke, and there is another one, that makes three.

My question is, since the mama cat is wild, why would she keep bringing her dead babies and putting them on our doorstep? Is that normal for cats?

So one commenter had a thought, which occurred to me as well:

Mother cats can be clearly seen to actually *care* (emotionally) for their kittens, and will fight to the death to protect them, and will risk death to save them – anybody remember “Scarlet” the fire-cat?

Why this mom-cat would bring her dead kittens to your door… hard to tell. Possibly she thinks that you might be able to bring them back.

Wow. Just realized what a heartbreaking thought *that* is.

Yes. Our cat treats us as her bed and her slaves, but she also knows that ultimately, we have a lot of power over her. So one wonders what they think of us, and just how much power they think we have, should we, in our beneficence, choose to wield it.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!