
Well, the Justice Department is apparently looking into the leaks:

“We are opening an investigation into the unauthorized disclosure of classified materials related to the NSA,” one official said.

I’m sure that the media will be cheering on the prosecutor to find the culprit(s), who care so little about our national security, just as they did in the notorious “outing” of “covert CIA agent” Valerie Plame.

Right? Right?

I wonder if they have any suspects? I’m thinking maybe someone over on the north side of the Hill. Last name Rockefeller? Or Hagel?

I hope we’ll see how long some other NYT and WaPo reporters/editors are willing to sit in the hoosegow to protect their sources.

The New Rules

FAA-AST has (as expected for the past few months) issued a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) on public space passenger travel. This is the next step in the process by which the useful enabling legislation passed by Congress a year ago gets translated into actual regulations. The public has sixty days to provide input to it, and as a potential spaceline operator, I’ll have to sit down and read the 123-page document when I get a chance and comment on it, to both them and my readers.

Unfortunately, that’s not likely to happen in the next week or so. Jesse Londin, over at Space Law Probe, has similar immediate constraints, but I expect some useful commentary from that quarter over the next few weeks, and will link to it when it happens.

[Update at 11 AM Central]

Jeff Foust (who has some other interesting space policy items) points out an AP article on it. While I obviously have to read the NPRM itself, just glancing through the article and looking at the reporter’s summary of it, all the rules seem reasonable to me, and consonant with the intent of the legislation (though I remain concerned now, as I did then, that the time period before FAA can regulate safety more stringently remains too short). But in any event, the devil, as always, dwells in the details.

[Another update at noon Central]

Liz at Regolith has a summary of the proposed regs.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!