New Hope For The Film Industry

Iowahawk has the buzz on next year’s Hollywood hits:

Cold Humpcrack Creekwater: Two retarded Gay cowgirl sisters (Rene Zellweger, Jenna Jameson) defy a fundamentalist sherriff (Hovercraft Phoenix) and discover love in this 1930’s period piece set in the Appalachian outback of Nebraskansaw.

Snow Fuji Mountain: Mothra (Toby Damon) and Gamera (Orlando Law) discover forbidden love while destroying Tokyo, in this story of nuclear-triggered sexual awakening.

Angel Soft This: In a shocking and sometimes humorous indictment of the toilet paper industry, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock documents the ravages he suffers after 30 straight days of non-stop buttwiping.

Go read it–there are more.

Also, if you missed it last week, Al Zarquawi was live blogging the Iraqi elections:

Okay, this is starting to suck bigtime. I finished writing thank-you notes to the donkey boys’ families, so I switched on the tube to catch CNN. Mohammed H. Prophet, can’t they run anything but bad news? “big turnout,” “carnival atmosphere,” “jubilation” … I mean, WTF? So I Khalid switched the satellite to BBC, and it was even worse. For f**k sake, it’s almost 5 hours ’til Keith Olbermann and I couldn’t take that gloom and doom shit any longer, so I fired up the browser and checked some of the dhimmi sites.

Holy dung, WTF? It’s like a bizarro world where people – even chicks – are voting, and they completely freaking chose to ignore it! Helloooooo, dhimmis, isn’t this is the same goddamn system that gave you George Bush?

Warning: wild donkey love involved.

The Origins Of VSE?

Dwayne Day and Jeff Foust have an interesting history of recent (i.e., over the past several years, prior to the announcement of the VSE) internal human exploration studies at NASA, with some unanswered questions:

…who initiated the discussions in the White House concerning the need for a new human spaceflight goal and why? Who championed the issue and how much interaction did they have with NASA? Why and how did the White House pick and choose between plans? Why was NASA

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!