It Was Just A Matter Of Time

The anti-First-Amendment types are siccing the FEC on the web. How long before they shut down this site because I occasionally have harsh words for Senator Kerry and his blow-dried running mate? Signing McCain-Feingold was one of the most shameful acts of this administration, and that Supreme Court ruling that it was constitutional was a disaster for free speech.

If they really try to regulate the blogs, it may finally start the needed revolution against all of this campaign finance nonsense.

Good News From Fallujah

The foreign fighters are wearing out their welcome.

Relations are deteriorating as local fighters negotiate to avoid a U.S.-led military offensive against Fallujah, while foreign fighters press to attack Americans and their Iraqi supporters. The disputes have spilled over into harsh words and sporadic violence, with Fallujans killing at least five foreign Arabs in recent weeks, according to witnesses.

“If the Arabs will not leave willingly, we will make them leave by force,” said Jamal Adnan, a taxi driver who left his house in Fallujah’s Shurta neighborhood a month ago after the house next door was bombed by U.S. aircraft targeting foreign insurgents…

…U.S. and Iraqi authorities together have insisted that if Fallujah is to avoid an all-out assault aimed at regaining control of the city, foreign fighters must be ejected. Several local leaders of the insurgency say they, too, want to expel the foreigners, whom they scorn as terrorists. They heap particular contempt on Abu Musab Zarqawi, the Jordanian whose Monotheism and Jihad group has asserted responsibility for many of the deadliest attacks across Iraq, including videotaped beheadings.

“He is mentally deranged, has distorted the image of the resistance and defamed it. I believe his end is near,” Abu Abdalla Dulaimy, military commander of the First Army of Mohammad, said.


According to Drudge:

John Edwards: ‘When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk. Get up out of that wheelchair and walk again’…

Yes, and He shall cast the loaves upon the waters, and walk out upon them to gather up the fishes, to feed the long-suffering victims of Republican tax cuts. He shall make the blind see, and the deaf hear, and the dumb speak, and cure the afflicted of their poxen. No one will need Viagra.

Feel the power! Let it course through your body!

The lion shall lay down with the lamb, and the Jew with the Jihadist.

Though I walk through the Valley of MOAB and PGMs and missile defense, I shall fear no evil, because The Beast in simian form, George W. Bush, will no longer be president.

Testify, Brother Edwards! Testify!

Truly, these clowns are becoming a parody of themselves.

[Update a few minutes later]

It just occurs to me that, given Mr. Reeve’s current body temperature, Senator Edwards isn’t just claiming that Senator Kerry will cause the crippled to walk–he’s going to raise the dead.

The Ignorance We Fight

I found a dumb letter to the editor in my new hometown paper this morning (scroll down):

Use money for space travel to develop alternate fuels

Commercial space travel is a dubious and dangerous prospect for mankind (“Private rocket wins $10 million prize,” Oct. 5). It is bad enough that governments are devoting scarce resources to space travel while there should be an intensive program to develop nonpolluting energy sources. All would benefit if a replacement were found for nonrenewable fuels.

Commercial space travel as well as governmental space programs will benefit only the very few and the very rich. Each venture pollutes and helps to destroy the upper layers of Earth’s protective atmosphere. The few who will partake in space travel will leave the rest of God’s creation choking on rocket fumes.


Royal Palm Beach

Even ignoring the scientific ignorance about “rocket fumes” (it’s quite possible and even likely that most rocket exhaust in the future will be di-hydrogen monoxide, or a combination of that and CO2), the good rabbi manages to combine the fallacy of false choice (the notion that money not spent on space will be spent on alternative fuels, particularly absurd in the case of private space travel), ignorance of economics (all innovations initially benefit the wealthy, who provide the initial markets needed to drive down the price to those less so), and the mistaken notion that there will be “few” going into space, and that there is no benefit to anyone doing so.

A Seventeenth Century Space Program?

That’s what The Independent says:

The man behind the lunar mission was Dr John Wilkins, scientist, theologian and brother-in-law of Oliver Cromwell. In 1640, as a young man of 26, Dr Wilkins wrote a detailed description of the machinery needed to communicate and even trade with beings from another world…

…Although earlier philosophers and poets had written about visiting the Moon, the writings of Dr Wilkins were in an altogether different league, Professor Chapman believes. Wilkins lived inwhat he describes as the “honeymoon period” of scientific discovery, between the astronomical revelations of Galileo and Copernicus, who showed a universe with other, possibly habitable worlds, and the later realisation that much of space was a vacuum and therefore impassable

Even if true, it seems improbable that it would have been successful–he was a little dodgy on his physics:

According to Dr Wilkins, the gravitational and magnetic pull of the Earth extended for only 20 miles into the sky. If it were possible to get airborne and pass beyond this point, it would be easy to continue on a journey to the Moon. Inspired by the discovery of other continents and the great sea voyages of explorers such as Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh, Wilkins conceived an equally ambitious plan to explore space.

I’ll be curious to see if this story stands up to peer review. If so, it’s an interesting new and unknown chapter in the history of man’s dreams of spaceflight.

[Via Jim Oberg]

Launch Legislation Update

Keith Cowing has obtained a copy of the draft legislation in the Senate that contains the poison pill. Jeff Foust has the latest description of what’s going on, including an analysis of the text.

And for those who say that this won’t kill the industry, that it would just move it off shore, Taylor Dinerman points out that if so, it won’t be done by Americans, due to ITAR restrictions.

All in all, it’s very important to both fix this legislation, and get it passed, as soon as possible, if we want to continue to build on the momentum provided by last week’s successful Ansari X-Prize win.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!