Back in the Ring

I had a chance to talk to Rand at SA’04 and he said I should just post whatever was on my mind and not worry about consistency with the previous course of TTM, which had been a concern for me since I’m 99% aligned with Rand on space policy and much less so on terrestrial politics. Since my Dad’s death I’ve found myself less willing to keep my mouth shut about these things (for reasons which I’m not going to go into right now), so I wanted to check things out with Rand before diving back in. Now that I’ve cleared down some of my to do list I’ll resume posting, and we can see how things work out. I suspect that the upcoming election fight will have us all longing for the solemn dignity of monkeys throwing poo, but hopefully TTM will stay far enough above the fray to avoid the splatter.

So That’s How They Do It

I’m having the house exterior painted in preparation for renting it out. We once had a healthy crop of English ivy on it, and after removing it, it left many old tendrils in the stucco that I’ve always found impossible to remove, so persistent are the roots. I’ve tried power washing, to little avail, and thought that it would be a long and tedious job with a wire brush, perhaps combined with some sort of acid. I even asked on a home repair newsgroup, but no one had any obvious easy solution.

But I’m sitting here watching the painters prep the house, and they’re doing what’s obvious in retrospect. They fired up a little propane torch, and simply burn them off, followed by brushing off the ashes. Why didn’t I think of that?

So That’s How They Do It

I’m having the house exterior painted in preparation for renting it out. We once had a healthy crop of English ivy on it, and after removing it, it left many old tendrils in the stucco that I’ve always found impossible to remove, so persistent are the roots. I’ve tried power washing, to little avail, and thought that it would be a long and tedious job with a wire brush, perhaps combined with some sort of acid. I even asked on a home repair newsgroup, but no one had any obvious easy solution.

But I’m sitting here watching the painters prep the house, and they’re doing what’s obvious in retrospect. They fired up a little propane torch, and simply burn them off, followed by brushing off the ashes. Why didn’t I think of that?

So That’s How They Do It

I’m having the house exterior painted in preparation for renting it out. We once had a healthy crop of English ivy on it, and after removing it, it left many old tendrils in the stucco that I’ve always found impossible to remove, so persistent are the roots. I’ve tried power washing, to little avail, and thought that it would be a long and tedious job with a wire brush, perhaps combined with some sort of acid. I even asked on a home repair newsgroup, but no one had any obvious easy solution.

But I’m sitting here watching the painters prep the house, and they’re doing what’s obvious in retrospect. They fired up a little propane torch, and simply burn them off, followed by brushing off the ashes. Why didn’t I think of that?

Our Friends The Saudis

A Saudi Imam has praised the “resistance” to the American occupation of Iraq.

You may not be totally shocked to learn that he also laments that “our Palestinian brethren in Palestine are suffering from state terrorism by the Zionist entity, which carries out assassinations of Palestinian leaders,” while doing nothing to diminish their plight, other than supporting continued murder against innocent Israelis.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!