Did You Know The Word “Gullible” Isn’t In The Dictionary?

Christopher Hitchens romnifies John Kerry.

So, the junior senator from Massachusetts has finally come up with a winning line. “Vote for me,” says John Kerry. “I’m easily fooled.” This appears to be the implication of his claim to have been “misled” by the Bush administration in the matter of WMD. And, considering the way in which Democratic Party activists generally portray the president as a fool and an ignoramus, one might as well go the whole distance and suggest a catchy line for the campaign: “Kerry. Duped by a Dope.”

And yes, I know that “romnifies” isn’t a word, but it should be, and maybe now it will be.

Giving ‘Em Hell

Orson Scott Card discourses on the moral imbecility of the left.

…we live in a world where we choose up sides first, and make moral decisions afterward, based almost entirely on what will serve the interest of our team.

It makes me ashamed of the Democratic Party that this seems to be the only moral process available to the party’s leadership. I used to call myself a “Moynihan Democrat.”

But now that he’s dead, I’m reduced to calling myself a “Tony Blair Democrat.”

That’s because I cannot find a single leader in the Democratic Party who is capable of acting on the basis of what is right, rather than what will make our side win.

Giving ‘Em Hell

Orson Scott Card discourses on the moral imbecility of the left.

…we live in a world where we choose up sides first, and make moral decisions afterward, based almost entirely on what will serve the interest of our team.

It makes me ashamed of the Democratic Party that this seems to be the only moral process available to the party’s leadership. I used to call myself a “Moynihan Democrat.”

But now that he’s dead, I’m reduced to calling myself a “Tony Blair Democrat.”

That’s because I cannot find a single leader in the Democratic Party who is capable of acting on the basis of what is right, rather than what will make our side win.

Giving ‘Em Hell

Orson Scott Card discourses on the moral imbecility of the left.

…we live in a world where we choose up sides first, and make moral decisions afterward, based almost entirely on what will serve the interest of our team.

It makes me ashamed of the Democratic Party that this seems to be the only moral process available to the party’s leadership. I used to call myself a “Moynihan Democrat.”

But now that he’s dead, I’m reduced to calling myself a “Tony Blair Democrat.”

That’s because I cannot find a single leader in the Democratic Party who is capable of acting on the basis of what is right, rather than what will make our side win.

Not Just Presidential Politics

Dick Gephardt apparently did an oral-podiatral maneuver today, when he said (and according to C-SPAN, it’s not out of context), “When I’m president, we’ll do executive orders to overcome any wrong thing the Supreme Court does tomorrow or any other day.”

Instapundit says:

That’s absolutely pathetic. Either (1) Gephardt, despite all his years in Congress, has still failed to learn that you can’t overturn a Constitutional decision by the Supreme Court with an executive order; or (2) Gephardt was in Full Pander Mode and hoped his audience wouldn’t know better. Neither speaks very well for him.

There’s actually a third possibility, perhaps unthinkable for law professors. Perhaps he simply doesn’t accept Marbury vs. Madison (i.e., Glenn’s option 1 is incorrect, because in fact a president can do so. The issue is whether or not he or she may…)

What does he mean!? ask the blog readers.

Simply put, the precedent set by MvM has been accepted, but only by common consent. It’s never really been seriously challenged. There is no doubt that such a challenge would constitute a constitutional crisis of the highest order, and would have the potential to result in the fall of the republic as we know it. But that doesn’t mean that a president couldn’t issue it.

I ask: what would happen if it were? I suspect that it would strongly depend on the popularity of the president in question, and the particular issue on which such a challenge was made. If he had the support of the military, and popular support as well, such a challenge might well be successful, which would then raise the question, if not the Supreme Court, who is the guardian of the Constitution?

Gasoline On A Fire

Richard Shelby (R-NASA), the senator from Huntsville, says that NASA is a “poor stepchild” that doesn’t get enough money.

Sorry, Senator, but government space programs are like any other government program. It does little good to simply shovel money at them, absent useful reform. What NASA needs is some coherent policy from the top, and a complete rethinking of its purpose. After that, we can talk about how much money it needs–it’s quite possible that it could in fact do quite a bit more with less. Of course, that might mean that not as much money flows into northern Alabama…

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