Good Character Witness

Following Blix’ report, the Iraqi UN rep is claiming that they don’t have any WMD, because when Bill Clinton bombed them in 1998, he said himself that he’d destroyed all of Iraq’s capabilities.

This would be hilarious if it weren’t so serious.

Atigato Gozaimasu

Well, at least we have one other ally left from the Cold War.

The Japanese government is apparently set to announce that they’ll be with us, regardless of what the UN or old Europe do. I think that a nuclear and missile-armed DPRK has gotten their attention. I suspect that this is an “domo arigato” for redeploying the Kitty Hawk to the Sea of Japan.

Oh, and they want all of their citizens out of Iraq by Wednesday.

Space Entrepreneur Profile: Gary Hudson

Gary Hudson could be said to be the prototypical space entrepreneur (well, if one ignores Bob Truax and Len Cormier, and probably others I’ve neglected in an increasingly-frequent senior moment). I first met Gary at a spacer party in northern California in 1980. He’s been at it for well over a quarter of a century, and still seems to be going strong, despite the fact that he’s almost certainly attained some level of wisdom from his experience. I don’t know if that’s a sign of devotion to the cause or, at this point, inherent insanity. I decided to find out by asking him.

Transterrestrial: OK, O wise sage of space entrepreneurs. What lessons can you pass down to those of us less worthy, and particularly those of us who haven’t yet paid our dues? How the heck are we going to get off the planet?

Continue reading Space Entrepreneur Profile: Gary Hudson

Where Is The Real Richard Cohen?

And what have you done with him, you fiend?

Apparently, Mr. Cohen has been mugged by reality. He’s taking down le Carre, and the rest of the loony left, himself.

You would think from reading le Carre that Bush has twice made war on his neighbors, that he has used chemical weapons on his own people and that he murders his opponents — moderate Republicans as well as Democrats. Bush’s America is to be feared, not Hussein’s Iraq.

This is a more pernicious madness than the one le Carre says has seized the United States. It caricatures Bush. It explains nothing and, worse, it offers no alternatives. If there is an argument to be made against a war with Iraq, then what it is? Le Carre does not say. In general, the entire left does not say.

Instead, we get le Carre-like rants against Big Oil or — again le Carre — a “colonialist adventure.” As with the period before World War II, a certain segment of the left has simply stopped thinking. It cherishes peace so much it has substituted wishful thinking for hard analysis: What’s to be done? How do we deal with “poor mad little North Korea” with its poor mad little nuclear weapons and its medium-range ballistic missiles? And what do we do with Iraq?

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!