The Truth Hurts

A preacher was beaten up after delivering (in defiance of the old saying, “de mortuis nil nisi bonum”–speak only good things of the dead) a eulogy that castigated the recently departed as a “drunkard and a fornicator,” and had a grim prognosis for his happiness in the hereafter.

The preacher’s wife (whose uncle was the former fornicator in question) said that:

“the fornicators didn’t like what he said so they got up and beat him.”

There was no word as to how the drunkards reacted.

More Smoke In The OKC/Middle-East Connection

And possibly developing into a full-blown fire.

Now there’s evidence that the Saudis warned the FBI about the Murrah Building bombing.

I found this part most interesting:

When asked why the government did not do more to press McVeigh before his death if he was working for another government, Johnston said such a strategy “was apparently not in the game plan for the Justice Department ?”

Johnston says some of his information came from documents ordered sealed by U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch, the presiding judge in McVeigh’s initial trial, which took place in Denver, Colo.

He went on to note that Matsch has never lifted the order, though “it?s kind of hard to see how it would affect Tim McVeigh now.”

And a poster on Free Republic makes an interesting point:

There were a lot of people on this forum clammoring for McVeigh’s death last year. I urged that we think long and hard before we kill one of the few people who knew the whole story, motivation, depth of involvement, major players and other inside details. To no avail, McVeigh was executed.

At the time I suggested that Tim McVeigh might one day see things differently. Little did I know that around six months after his death this nation would be attacked in a manner exponentially worse than the attack on the OKC Federal Building. McVeigh was involved in an attack against the FBI, BATF or other federal entities, and the building occupants. I suspect he was so focused on the BATF or FBI that he was blinded to the children and others in the building. Or perhaps he felt their deaths were warranted in exchange for those at Waco. Frankly it’s difficult to understand how he could have done what he did. But I none the less feel that he would have seen the attacks on 09/11 differently.

I suspect McVeigh saw the OKC Bombing as an attack on federal agencies with colateral damage. I don’t think he would have seen the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon as mere attacks on federal agencies. He would have likely seen them as attacks against the nation as a whole. I have no way of knowing, but I suspect he might have been willing to loosen up with some information if he were appoached correctly after 09/11. Terry Nichols hasn’t. Perhaps McVeigh wouldn’t have either. Or perhaps neither of them would if the feds didn’t bother to ask them. Somehow I doubt the feds are too anxious to have Nichols or anyone tie in the middle-east to OKC. But then we have made sure that at least McVeigh will never be able to help us.

Space Needs Supermodels, Part Deaux

All right, everyone, including my niece, has been sending me this story about Cindy Crawford, supermodel astronaut.

Given her criteria, it may happen, but not any time soon, and not on a Russian launcher. Right now, with training, it takes a whole lot more than a week out of your life.

By the way, it’s looking like the Russians are really going to fly that seat empty in the fall. No one has come up with the scratch for the flight. Lance Bass thought his fans should pay for it, but so far, they think differently, apparently…

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