A Never Trumper

Why he’s voting for Trump:

I am not of the mindset that any vote not for Trump is a vote for Hillary, but a vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary. And I need to vote against Hillary. I need to vote against the media.


As I’ve written before, there are three reasons to vote for Trump (and really, they’re the only ones).

1) He’s not her

2) Unlike her, he can be impeached and removed, and having him in the White House will (finally) rein in the Executive.

3) It will issue a huge F**K YOU” to the Democrat operatives with bylines.

But read the whole thing. It pretty well sums up my own thoughts.

[Update a while later]

“Only Trump has a chance to bring this country together, and it’s a slim one.”

[Update a while later]

Bob Wright on the media: “Well, my concern is that they are so ham-handed about it — they’re so obvious about it — that it won’t work.”

His concern is my fervent hope.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Democrat corruption is much worse than Trump.

Why yes. Yes it is.

[Update a few minutes later]

Only one presidential candidate has actually “wielded the sledgehammer of government against personal enemies.”

Yup. And hint: It’s not Donald Trump. Not that I’d put it past him, of course. But he can be impeached and removed. She cannot.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Richard Nixon could only wish he’d gotten Hillary’s FBI treatment.

Yes. But he was a Republican. And for impeachment and removal purposes, so will Trump be.

[Early-afternoon update]

The rage of the Hillaryite bullies:

I’ve been trying to figure out what common trait binds Clinton supporters together. As far as I can tell, the most unifying characteristic is a willingness to bully in all its forms.

If you have a Trump sign in your lawn, they will steal it.

If you have a Trump bumper sticker, they will deface your car.

if you speak of Trump at work you could get fired.

On social media, almost every message I get from a Clinton supporter is a bullying type of message. They insult. They try to shame. They label. And obviously they threaten my livelihood.

It’s what they do. It’s who they are.

[Update a few minutes later]

“One way to bully is to call the other person the bully. Chelsea could be said to be part of that activity.”

As I’ve often noted recently, this is an election in which the worst things that both campaigns say about the other are generally true.

Climate McCarthyism

Wikileaks exposed it, from Podesta and Steyer:

Since the fivethirtyeight.com uproar, Pielke has quit publishing about climate change. He’s gone on to become a world-leading expert on sports and doping. He now heads the Sports Governance Center at the University of Colorado, which is housed within the university’s athletics department. He has more than 8,000 followers on Twitter and is an active, maybe rabid, tweeter. “I’m having a blast,” he told me. Working on climate change, he said, “you wake up, it’s the same people arguing about the same stuff. In sports, you have no idea what idea you will be writing about. . . . There’s so much going on. There’s so much upheaval.” What lessons did he learn from his stint in the climate-change discussion? He replied that the debate is “almost religious in its intensity.” Instead of having a rational discussion about the best ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the debate has become solely “about power, about who gets to speak and whose voices are deemed legitimate.” The smear campaign against him by Romm and ThinkProgress was designed “to make public speech costly.”

The lawsuit against me and others is mentioned as well. What fascists these people are.

The Cubs In The Series

Somewhere up there, the late great Steve Goodman is smiling.

[Late-night update]

If you’re interested in late 70s/80s folk, just let the Youtube roll. You’ll hear a young Steve Goodman sing his song “City of New Orleans,” the way he wrote it, not the better-known Arlo Guthrie cover, as well as some great duos with John Prine. I’d also note that while he wasn’t showing off in the Cubbies song, he was a greatly underrated guitarist.


I’ve driven large sections of almost all of these over the decades, but none of them end to end. Closest I’ve come is I-10, but I broke off to head south on the turnpike before I got to Jacksonville. Have to say I’m surprised that they’ve never bypassed Breezewood (which I remember from the turnpike as a kid driving from Michigan to New York in the sixties). I guess tunneling the mountain would be too much of a PITA and disruptive to residents.

Steven DenBeste

Rest in peace.

He was one of the greats of early blogging, and a brilliant man in many fields. I have to confess that I feel partially responsible (though I’m sure I was far from alone) in chasing him away from blogging with an ill-thought email. I think I later apologized, but if I didn’t, Steven, if you can read this, please accept my deepest apologies.

[Tuesday-morning update]

More thoughts from Jim Geraghty.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!