It’s The Dictator, Stupid!

Instapundit points out this article in the New Republic by Michael Rubin, which makes a couple interesting points about the situation in Iraq. First, that US sanctions aren’t starving Iraqis–Saddam is (as though anyone with half a brain didn’t already know that, but it’s nice to see the evidence laid out compellingly).

But what’s even more interesting to me is that, considering that it was actually written in June, months before the Current Unpleasantness, it also provides ample reason to think that if we were to provide Iraq with the same disinfectant treatment that we’re presently giving Afghanistan, that the populace there would be just as supportive. Just as the people least unhappy about bombing Afghanistan seem to be Afghans, I suspect that when (not if) we start to pound on Saddam, the wails and choruses of woe will come not from the Iraqis, but from outside Iraq. Hopefully, by spring, Saddam and his minions will have good cause to ask, “Why do they hate us?”