He Has To Look Up To See Down

I got a chuckle out of this. I don’t normally cite Drudge, not because he’s not credible–he does as good a job as the NYT, at least lately–but because he doesn’t have permalinks. It’s one of the things that makes him not a true blogger, in my opinion.

Anyway, Donahue has garnered the lowest Nielsen rating possible, a 0.1. If they had negative numbers, he’d be the guy to do it. It’s a great picture, too–his normal (at least these days) crazed deer-in-the-headlights look.

How much longer is MSNBC going to keep this loser on the air? I guess brainless leftist claptrap doesn’t sell that well any more.

[update a couple minutes later]

And in more good news, oxygen.com is gasping for air. Guess Oprah’s not the draw she used to be, either.