Posting Lull

I’m not posting much because I might have to blow off my current blog and restore it to last Friday in order to fix my comments problem (it’s not recording them properly), so I don’t want to create things that might not survive. Hopefully things will be resolved by Tuesday.

[Update at 11 AM PDT]

And in case that’s not enough excuse, the first serious rain of the southern California season reveals that we have a major roof leak. The water is coming inside the outside wall, soaking the frame above a window, and then running down the drywall below. We had a huge water blister in the paint…

So much for sorting through the stuff from the carpet rearrangement, and getting the house put back together. This is the second weekend in which I’ve been deferred from it.

Off to put on my grungies, and climb up on the roof during a lull in the deluge…